Understanding the Events and Management Fields

Describes the fields in the Auto Actions Events and Management pages.

The Events and Management pages help you monitor, manage, and troubleshoot your Auto Actions.


The Auto Actions Events page displays information about your auto action audit events:

It contains the following audit entry fields:
  • Status, which displays the results of the auto action event as an icon. Where, green indicates that the action was successful (SUCCEEDED). All the other icons indicate that the action was unsuccessful (FAILED), such as the action timed out.
  • Type, which displays the auto action's audit event category type, such as Create or Update.
  • Details, which displays the type of action. When clicked the auto action’s Event Details audit log opens, as shown in the following Invoke and Update event type example images:
    Figure 1. Invoke Event Type Example

    Figure 2. Update Event Type Example

  • Auto Action Name, which displays the unique name you entered for the auto action.
  • Scope, which displays the workload component service that is monitored by the action.
  • Time, which displays the time stamp of when the auto action's audit event occurred.


The Auto Actions Management page displays your auto action's defined settings and state:

It contains the following entry fields:
  • Status, which displays the current state of the action, as either Enabled or Disabled.
  • Name, which contains the name of the auto action. When clicked the auto action's definition settings page opens.
  • Action, which displays the name of the action that is invoked when the auto action is triggered, such as Notify Only.
  • Scope, which displays the workload component service that is monitored by the action.
  • Criteria, which displays the action's Criteria filters. These are attributes with static values that remain the same during the execution of a job or query.
  • Triggers, which displays the action's Trigger conditions. These are attributes with dynamic values that change during the execution of a job or query.