To enable Ambari to run, edit the cluster configuration file on each failover host in the HA cluster, using a text editor.
In /etc/cluster/cluster.conf
, set values for each of the
following properties:
<server>=<ambari-hostname / ip>
<protocol>=<http / https>
For example, the Hadoop daemon section of cluster.conf on the NameNode localhost in an HA cluster will look like:
<hadoop __independent_subtree="1" __max_restarts="10" __restart_expire_time="600" name="NameNode Process" daemon="namenode" boottime="10000" probetime="10000" stoptime="10000" url="" pid="/var/run/hadoop/hdfs/" path="/" ambariproperties="server=localhost,port=8080,protocol=http,user=admin,password=admin,cluster=c1,output=/var/log/ambari_relocate.log" />
The script reassigns components on failover of any host in the HA cluster, when you start or restart Ambari server.