Start Ambari Server and Ambari Agents.
On the Server host:
ambari-server start
On all of the Agent hosts:
ambari-agent start
Using the Ambari Web Services view, start the ZooKeeper service.
If you are upgrading from an HA NameNode configuration, start all JournalNodes. On each JournalNode host, run the following command:
su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "/usr/lib/hadoop/sbin/ start journalnode"
Important All JournalNodes must be running when performing the upgrade, rollback, or finalization operations. If any JournalNodes are down when running any such operation, the operation will fail.
Because the file system version has now changed you must start the NameNode manually. On the active NameNode host:
su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "export HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/libexec && /usr/lib/hadoop/sbin/ start namenode -upgrade"
To check if the Upgrade is in progress, check that the "
" directory has been created in \NameNode and \JournalNode directories. The "\previous
" directory contains a snapshot of the data before upgrade.Note In a NameNode HA configuration, this NameNode will not enter the standby state as usual. Rather, this NameNode will immediately enter the active state, perform an upgrade of its local storage directories, and also perform an upgrade of the shared edit log. At this point, the standby NameNode in the HA pair is still down. It will be out of sync with the upgraded active NameNode. To synchronize the active and standby NameNode, re-establishing HA, re-bootstrap the standbyNameNode by running the NameNode with the '-bootstrapStandby' flag. Do NOT start this standby NameNode with the '-upgrade' flag.
su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby -force"
The bootstrapStandby command will download the most recent fsimage from the active NameNode into the
directory of the standby NameNode. You can enter that directory to make sure the fsimage has been successfully downloaded. After verifying, start the ZKFailoverController via Ambari, then start the standby NameNode via Ambari. You can check the status of both NameNodes using the Web UI.Start all DataNodes.
su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "/usr/lib/hadoop/sbin/ --config /etc/hadoop/conf start datanode"
The NameNode will send an upgrade command to DataNodes after receiving block reports.
Prepare the NameNode to work with Ambari:
Open the Ambari Web GUI. If it has been open throughout the process, clear your browser cache, then refresh.
On the Services view, choose HDFS to open the HDFS service.
Restart the HDFS service. Restarting HDFS restarts all NameNodes, DataNodes, and JournalNodes.
Run the Service Check, using Actions > Run Service Check. Makes sure it passes.
After the DataNodes are started, HDFS exits safemode. To monitor the status, run the following command:
sudo su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs dfsadmin -safemode get"
Depending on the size of your system, a response may not display for up to 10 minutes. When HDFS exits safemode, the following message displays:
Safe mode is OFF
Make sure that the HDFS upgrade was successful. Go through steps 3 and 4 in Preparing for the Upgrade to create new versions of the logs and reports. Substitute "
" for "old
" in the file names as necessary.Compare the old and new versions of the following:
.The files should be identical unless the
hadoop fsck
reporting format has changed in the new version.dfs-old-lsr-1.log
.The files should be identical unless the format of
hadoop fs -lsr
reporting or the data structures have changed in the new version.dfs-old-report-1.log
Make sure all DataNodes previously belonging to the cluster are up and running.
Make the following config changes required for Application Timeline Server. Use the Ambari web UI to navigate to the service dashboard and add/modify the following configurations:
YARN (Custom yarn-site.xml) yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.path=/var/log/hadoop-yarn/timeline yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.ttl-interval-ms=300000 ** If you are upgrading to HDP 2.1.3, use the following setting:** ** If you are upgrading to HDP 2.1.2, use the following setting: ** yarn.timeline-service.ttl-enable=true yarn.timeline-service.ttl-ms=2678400000 yarn.timeline-service.webapp.address=<PUT_THE_FQDN_OF_ATS_HOST_NAME_HERE>:8188 yarn.timeline-service.webapp.https.address=<PUT_THE_FQDN_OF_ATS_HOST_NAME_HERE>:8190 yarn.timeline-service.address=<PUT_THE_FQDN_OF_ATS_HOST_NAME_HERE>:10200 HIVE (hive-site.xml) hive.execution.engine=mr hive.exec.failure.hooks=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.ATSHook hive.exec.pre.hooks=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.ATSHook hive.tez.container.size=<map-container-size> *If > 2GB then set it equal to Otherwise, set it equal to mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb*"-server -Xmx" + Math.round(0.8 * map-container-size) + "m -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseParallelGC"
Use the Ambari Web Services view to start YARN.
Use the Ambari Web Services view to start MapReduce2.
Use the Ambari Web Services view to start HBase and ensure the service check passes.
Using Ambari Web, navigate to Services > Hive > Configs > Advanced and verify that the following properties are set to their default values:
Hive (Advanced)
Note The Security Wizard enables Hive authorization. The default values for these properties changed in Hive-0.12. If you are upgrading Hive from 0.12 to 0.13 in a secure cluster, you should not need to change the values. If upgrading from Hive-older than version 0.12 to Hive-0.12 or greater in a secure cluster, you will need to correct the values.
If YARN is installed in your HDP 2.0 stack, and the Application Timeline Server (ATS) components are not , then you must create and install ATS service and host components via API by running the following commands on the server that will host the YARN application timeline server in your cluster. Be sure to replace <your_ambari_server_host>, <your_cluster_name>, and <your_ATS_component_hostname> with host names appropriate for your envrionment.
Note Ambari does not currently support ATS in a kerberized cluster. If you are upgrading YARN in a kerberized cluster, skip this step.
Create the ATS Service Component.
curl --user admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X POST http://<your_ambari_server_host>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<your_cluster_name>/services/YARN/components/APP_TIMELINE_SERVER
Create the ATS Host Component.
curl --user admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X POST http://<your_ambari_server_host>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<your_cluster_name>/hosts/<your_ATS_component_hostname>/host_components/APP_TIMELINE_SERVER
Install the ATS Host Component.
curl --user admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X PUT -d '{ "HostRoles": { "state": "INSTALLED"}}' http://<your_ambari_server_host>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<your_cluster_name>/hosts/<your_ATS_component_hostname>/host_components/APP_TIMELINE_SERVER
Note curl commands use the default username/password = admin/admin. To run the curl commands using non-default credentials, modify the --user option to use your Ambari administrator credentials. For example: --user <ambari_admin_username>:<ambari_admin_password> .
Using Ambari Web > Services > Service Actions, start YARN.
Using Ambari Web > Services > Service Actions, start MapReduce2.
Using Ambari Web > Services > Service Actions, start HBase and ensure the service check passes.
Upgrade Oozie.
Note You must replace your Oozie configuration after upgrading.
Perform the following preparation steps on each oozie server host:
Copy files from the backup folder
directory.cp <oozie-conf-bak>/oozie-site.xml /etc/oozie/conf
cp <oozie-conf-bak>/ /etc/oozie/conf/
chmod -R 777 /etc/alternatives/oozie-tomcat-conf/conf
rm -rf /usr/lib/oozie/conf
ln -s /etc/oozie/conf /usr/lib/oozie/conf
directory.mkdir /usr/lib/oozie/libext-upgrade21
Copy the JDBC jar of your Oozie database to both
.For example, if you are using MySQL, copy your
.Copy these files to
directorycp /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/hadoop-lzo*.jar /usr/lib/oozie/libext-upgrade21
cp /usr/share/HDP-oozie/ /usr/lib/oozie/libext-upgrade21
Grant read/write access to the Oozie user.
chmod -R 777 /usr/lib/oozie/libext-upgrade21
Upgrade steps:
On the Services view, make sure YARN and MapReduce2 are running.
Make sure that the Oozie service is stopped.
Upgrade Oozie. You must be the Oozie service user. On the Oozie server host:
sudo su -l <OOZIE_USER> -c"/usr/lib/oozie/bin/ upgrade -run"
Make sure that the output contains the string "Oozie DB has been upgraded to Oozie version
<OOZIE Build Version>
.Prepare the Oozie WAR file, run as root:
Note The Oozie server must be not running for this step. If you get the message "ERROR: Stop Oozie first", it means the script still thinks it's running. Check, and if needed, remove the process id (pid) file indicated in the output.
sudo su -l <OOZIE_USER> -c "/usr/lib/oozie/bin/ prepare-war -d /usr/lib/oozie/libext-upgrade21"
Make sure that the output contains the string "New Oozie WAR file added".
Using Ambari Web UI Services > Oozie > Configs, expand Advanced, then edit the following properties:
, replace the existing property value with the following one:30000
, append (using copy/paste) to the existing property value the following string:shell-action-0.2.xsd,oozie-sla-0.1.xsd,oozie-sla-0.2.xsd,hive-action-0.3.xsd
Note If you have customized schemas, append this string to your custom schema name string.
Do not overwrite custom schemas.
If you have no customized schemas, you can replace the existing string with the following one:
, append to the existing property value the following string:org.apache.oozie.dependency.FSURIHandler,org.apache.oozie.dependency.HCatURIHandler
, append to the existing property value the following string:org.apache.oozie.service.XLogStreamingService,org.apache.oozie.service.JobsConcurrencyService
Note If you have customized properties, append this string to your custom property value string.
Do not overwrite custom properties.
If you have no customized properties, you can replace the existing string with the following one:
org.apache.oozie.service.SchedulerService, org.apache.oozie.service.InstrumentationService, org.apache.oozie.service.CallableQueueService, org.apache.oozie.service.UUIDService, org.apache.oozie.service.ELService, org.apache.oozie.service.AuthorizationService, org.apache.oozie.service.UserGroupInformationService, org.apache.oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService, org.apache.oozie.service.URIHandlerService, org.apache.oozie.service.MemoryLocksService, org.apache.oozie.service.DagXLogInfoService, org.apache.oozie.service.SchemaService, org.apache.oozie.service.LiteWorkflowAppService, org.apache.oozie.service.JPAService, org.apache.oozie.service.StoreService, org.apache.oozie.service.CoordinatorStoreService, org.apache.oozie.service.SLAStoreService, org.apache.oozie.service.DBLiteWorkflowStoreService, org.apache.oozie.service.CallbackService, org.apache.oozie.service.ActionService, org.apache.oozie.service.ActionCheckerService, org.apache.oozie.service.RecoveryService, org.apache.oozie.service.PurgeService, org.apache.oozie.service.CoordinatorEngineService, org.apache.oozie.service.BundleEngineService, org.apache.oozie.service.DagEngineService, org.apache.oozie.service.CoordMaterializeTriggerService, org.apache.oozie.service.StatusTransitService, org.apache.oozie.service.PauseTransitService, org.apache.oozie.service.GroupsService, org.apache.oozie.service.ProxyUserService, org.apache.oozie.service.XLogStreamingService, org.apache.oozie.service.JobsConcurrencyService
, append to the existing property value the following string:org.apache.oozie.service.PartitionDependencyManagerService,org.apache.oozie.service.HCatAccessorService
After modifying all properties on the Oozie Configs page, scroll down, then choose Save to update, using the modified configurations.
Replace the content of
in HDFS. On the Oozie server host:Extract the Oozie sharelib into a
folder.mkdir -p /tmp/oozie_tmp cp /usr/lib/oozie/oozie-sharelib.tar.gz /tmp/oozie_tmp cd /tmp/oozie_tmp tar xzvf oozie-sharelib.tar.gz
Back up the
folder in HDFS and then delete it. If you have any custom files in this folder back them up separately and then add them back after the share folder is updated.mkdir /tmp/oozie_tmp/oozie_share_backup chmod 777 /tmp/oozie_tmp/oozie_share_backup
su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /user/oozie/share /tmp/oozie_tmp/oozie_share_backup" su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/oozie/share"
Add the latest share libs that you extracted in step 1. After you have added the files, modify ownership and acl.
su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /tmp/oozie_tmp/share /user/oozie/." su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs dfs -chown -R <OOZIE_USER>:<HADOOP_GROUP> /user/oozie" su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs dfs -chmod -R 755 /user/oozie"
Use the Services view to start the Oozie service. Make sure that ServiceCheck passes for Oozie.
Update WebHCat.
Modify the
config type.Using the Ambari web UI, navigate to Services > WebHCat and modify the following configuration:
Table 2.3. WebHCat Properties to Modify Action Property Name Property Value Modify org.apache.hive.hcatalog.templeton.tool.ZooKeeperStorage
Update the Pig and Hive tar bundles, by updating the following files:
Note You will find these files on a host where webhcat is installed.
For example, to update a *.tar.gz file:
Move the file to a local directory.
su -l <HCAT_USER> -c "hadoop --config /etc/hadoop/conf fs -copyToLocal /apps/webhcat/*.tar.gz $<local_backup_dir>"
Remove the old file.
su -l <HCAT_USER> -c "hadoop --config /etc/hadoop/conf fs -rm /apps/webhcat/*.tar.gz"
Copy the new file.
su -l <HCAT_USER> -c "hdfs --config /etc/hadoop/conf dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/share/HDP-webhcat/*.tar.gz /apps/webhcat/"
On each WebHCat host, update /app/webhcat/hadoop-streaming.jar file.
Move the file to a local directory.
su -l <HCAT_USER> -c "hadoop --config /etc/hadoop/conf fs -copyToLocal /apps/webhcat/hadoop-streaming*.jar $<local_backup_dir>"
Remove the old file.
su -l <HCAT_USER> -c "hadoop --config /etc/hadoop/conf fs -rm /apps/webhcat/hadoop-streaming*.jar"
Copy the new hadoop-streaming.jar file.
su -l <HCAT_USER> -c "hdfs --config /etc/hadoop/conf dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming*.jar /apps/webhcat"
Upgrade Flume.
Make a backup copy of the current Flume configuration files, on each Flume host.
cd /etc/flume/conf cp flume.conf <flume-conf-backup>/flume.conf
Note More than one Flume configuration file may exist. Make a backup copy of each one.
Execute the following commands on each Flume host:
For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux:
yum upgrade flume
zypper upgrade flume zypper remove flume zypper se -s flume
You should see Flume in the output. Then, install Flume.
zypper install flume
Important When removing and installing packages, rename files in the
directory that have.rpmsave
extension to original to retain the customized configurations. Alternatively, use the configuration files in the/conf
directory that you backed up before upgrading.
Verify that Flume was upgraded correctly by starting a basic example. Flume does not start running immediately after installation/upgrade, by default. To validate the Flume upgrade:
Replace your default
with the followingflume.conf
file:1. Name the components on this agent a1.sources = r1 a1.sinks = k1 a1.channels = c1 2.Describe/configure the source a1.sources.r1.type = seq 3. Describe the sink a1.sinks.k1.type = file_roll = c1 = /tmp/flume 4. Use a channel which buffers events in memory a1.channels.c1.type = memory 5. Bind the source and sink to the channel a1.sources.r1.channels = c1 = c1
Restart Flume, using Ambari Web.
To verify that data is flowing, examine
to see that any files exist. These files should contain simple, sequential numbers.Stop Flume.
Copy the backup Flume configuration files you created in Step 17.a back into their original location.
cd /etc/flume/conf cp <flume-conf-backup>/flume.conf
If you use Tez as the Hive execution engine, and if the variable
is set totrue
, you must create a scratch directory on the NameNode host for the username that will run the HiveServer2 service. For example, use the following commands:sudo su -c "hdfs -makedir /tmp/hive-<username>"
sudo su -c "hdfs -chmod 777 /tmp/hive-<username>"
is the name of the user that runs the HiveServer2 service.If you use Hue to manage your Stack, you must upgrade the Hue component manaully. For specific upgrade steps, see the instructions to Upgrade Hue.
If you use Mahout, you must upgrade the Mahout component manaully. For specific upgrade steps, see the instructions to Upgrade Mahout.
Using Ambari Web > Services, re-start the remaining services.
The upgrade is now fully functional but not yet finalized. Using the
command removes the previous version of the NameNode and DataNode storage directories.Important After the upgrade is finalized, the system cannot be rolled back. Usually this step is not taken until a thorough testing of the upgrade has been performed.
The upgrade must be finalized before another upgrade can be performed.
Note Directories used by Hadoop 1 services set in /etc/hadoop/conf/taskcontroller.cfg are not automatically deleted after upgrade. Administrators can choose to delete these directories after the upgrade.
To finalize the upgrade, execute the following command once, on the primary NameNode host in your HDP cluster:
sudo su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs dfsadmin -finalizeUpgrade"