4.3. Security

Apache Jira

HWX Jira


AMBARI-12432 BUG-44477 Oozie Service Check failing after enabling Kerberos
AMBARI-12433 BUG-44474 Unable to enable Kerberos with Ambari 2.1.1 (2 or 3 master systems) - Mahout service check never finishes
AMBARI-12582 BUG-41297 Some properties on Kerberos configs tab are empty although the same properties on services configs are filled
AMBARI-12736 BUG-42242 Hbase user not being added to hbase.superuser in Hbase config
AMBARI-12744 BUG-42139 Kerberos: Test KDC Connection succeeds but prints ERROR to ambari server log
AMBARI-12772 BUG-42105 Adding host via blueprint fails on secure cluster
AMBARI-12773 BUG-41570 Ranger quick link in Ambari 2.1.0 with HDP-2.2 does not track the http, https port value
AMBARI-12782 BUG-42365 Handle file permissions for jceks file in umask 027
AMBARI-12798 BUG-42488 "Edit" button disappears after revisiting Kerberos tab
AMBARI-12807 BUG-41019 Accumulo Master Start fails on secure cluster if PID/Log dirs for YARN and MR2 are customized
AMBARI-12808 BUG-42098 Ambari should not reset UIDs for existing users in a cluster
AMBARI-12810 BUG-42675 Host check shows no errors when registering non root agents manually
AMBARI-12817 BUG-42408 YARN ownership is not set correctly on container-executor
AMBARI-12827 BUG-42055 Oozie Server Status alert is critical every 5 minutes on Kerberized cluster
AMBARI-12828 AMBARI-13172 BUG-42631 Kafka Service check fails after adding it to secure cluster
AMBARI-12835 BUG-42167 Error trying to enable kerberos after restart. Needed to reload browser
AMBARI-12843 BUG-42573 Disable Ranger HDFS plugin shows dfs property update which is incorrect
AMBARI-12853 BUG-42455 Manual registration of non root ambari agent with two way ssl authentication failed
AMBARI-12854 BUG-43058 Stack Advisor doesn't propose hive.security.authorization.enabled set to true when hive_security_authorization is none
AMBARI-12870 BUG-42943 Installing Ambari-2.1.0 removes /etc/sudoers.d/ambari-agent file
AMBARI-12877 BUG-38234 File Browser view - Downloading a directory always creates a zip with username
AMBARI-12896 BUG-43277 Value for ranger.ldap.bind.password is always plaintext because it has to be added as a custom property
AMBARI-12901 AMBARI-13062 BUG-42230 Ambari Headless principal for Storm should include cluster-name
AMBARI-12904 BUG-43157 AMS keytabs share same principal for HBase daemons
AMBARI-12919 BUG-42967 UI lag causing "Edit" button to be missed from Admin Kerberos Tab
AMBARI-12920 BUG-43287 “Oozie Quick links" in Ambari points to incorrect URL after enabling SSL
AMBARI-12935 BUG-42555 Ambari is overwriting ownership of yarn.local.dir with yarn:hadoop in Kerberized cluster
AMBARI-13000 BUG-41147 Disable Ranger Hive Plugin is not reverting all the required properties
AMBARI-13029 BUG-41863 when ambari-agent has 'run_as_user' as a comment in ambari-agent.ini, wrong user to run ambari as can be picked up
AMBARI-13045 BUG-42869 Handle dependencies for 'hadoop.proxyuser.**' properties in stack advisor
AMBARI-13056 BUG-44070 Ambari should use relative URLs when specifying target after login
AMBARI-13058 BUG-44009 Kerberos: failures / issues w/ add host when using "manual kerb" option
AMBARI-13060 BUG-42574 Kerberos: Allow user to specify additional realms for auth-to-local rules
AMBARI-13063 BUG-44054 Kerberos wizard fails on Start and Test Services step when Manual option is selected
AMBARI-13116 BUG-44417 Extraneous ‘list’ command being invoked through sudo
AMBARI-13133 BUG-44294 Hive Metastore did not start when Kerberized