Apache Ambari Operations
Also available as:

Delete a Component

To delete a component:


  1. Using Ambari Web, browse the Hosts page.

  2. Find and click the FQDN of the host on which the component resides.

  3. In Components, find a decommissioned component.

  4. If the component status is Started, stop it.

    A decommissioned slave component may restart in the decommissioned state.

  5. Click Delete from the component drop-down menu.

    Deleting a slave component, such as a DataNode does not automatically inform a master component, such as a NameNode to remove the slave component from its exclusion list. Adding a deleted slave component back into the cluster presents the following issue; the added slave remains decommissioned from the master's perspective. Restart the master component, as a work-around.

  6. To enable Ambari to recognize and monitor only the remaining components, restart services.

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