Apache Ambari Administration
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Chapter 10. Moving the ZooKeeper Server

To move the ZooKeeper server to a new host:


  1. In Ambari Web > Service Actions, stop the ZooKeeper server.

  2. In Ambari Web > Hosts, click the host on which you want to install the new ZooKeeper server.

  3. On the Summary page of the new ZooKeeper host, click Add > ZooKeeper Server

  4. Update the following properties on the new ZooKeeper server (use the existing ZooKeeper server settings as a reference).

    • ha.zookeeper.quorum

    • hbase.zookeeper.quorum

    • templeton.zookeeper.hosts

    • yarn.resourcemanager.zk-address

    • hive.zookeeper.quorum

    • hive.cluster.delegation.token.store.zookeeper.connectString

  5. In Ambari Web > Hosts, click the original ZooKeeper server host.

  6. In ZooKeeper > Service Actions > Delete Service to delete the original ZooKeeper server.

  7. Save the HDFS namespace.

  8. Restart the new ZooKeeper server and the Hive service.


In Ambari, adding or removing ZooKeeper servers requires manually editing the following Atlas properties. Select Atlas > Configs > Advanced, then select Advanced application-properties and edit the following properties to reflect the new ZooKeeper server settings:

  • atlas.graph.index.search.solr.zookeeper-url

    Example format:


  • atlas.kafka.zookeeper.connect

    Example format:


  • atlas.audit.hbase.zookeeper.quorum

    Example format:


After updating these properties (to refresh the configuration files), restart Atlas and the following services that contain Atlas hooks :

  • Hive

  • Storm

  • Falcon

  • Sqoop

Next Steps

Review and confirm all recommended configuration changes.

More Information

Review and Confirm Configuration Changes