Administering Ambari Views
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Migrate Ambari View instance data

Migrating data from one view to another is useful when a new view version is released and you want to use data from the previous version in the newer version.

If you have more than one instance of the same Ambari View, you can migrate view data such as entity data, instance data, and View use permissions from one instance to another.
Migrating view data between instances is supported only for Hive, Pig and Tez views.
For example, consider a case to migrate from view INSTANCE A (the source view instance) to view INSTANCE B (the target view instance).
In this case, you run the following command:
curl -v -u admin:admin -X PUT -H "X-Requested-By:1" http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/views/VIEW_NAME/versions/TARGET_VIEW_VERSION/instances/INSTANCEB/migrate/SOURCE_VIEW_VERSION/INSTANCEA
The command values are as follows:
  • AMBARI_SERVER_HOST is the Ambari Server host name or IP address.
  • VIEW_NAME is the name of the view.
  • TARGET_VIEW_VERSION is the version of the target view.
  • SOURCE_VIEW_VERSION is the version of the source view.
For example, if you are migrating from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1, your SOURCE_VIEW_VERSION is 1.0.0 and TARGET_VIEW_VERSION is 1.0.1.