Managing High Availability
Also available as:

Add an Oozie server component

  • The relational database that backs the Oozie Server should also be made highly available using best practices defined for the database system in use and should be done after consultation with your in-house DBA. Using the default installed Derby database instance is not supported with multiple Oozie Server instances; therefore, you must use an existing relational database. When using Apache Derby for the Oozie Server, you do not have the option to add Oozie Server components to your cluster.
  • High availability for Oozie requires the use of an external virtual IP address or load balancer to direct traffic to the Oozie servers.
  1. In Ambari Web, browse to the host on which you want to install another Oozie Server.
  2. On the Host page, click +Add.
  3. Click Oozie Server from the list.
    Ambari installs the new Oozie Server.
  4. Configure your external load balancer.
  5. Update the Oozie configuration.
    1. Browse to Services > Oozie > Configs.
    2. In oozie-site, add the following property values:
      List of ZooKeeper hosts with ports: for example,,,






    3. In oozie-env, uncomment the oozie_base_url property and change its value to point to the load balancer.
      export oozie_base_url="http://<loadbalance.hostname>:11000/oozie"
  6. Restart Oozie.
  7. Update the HDFS configuration properties for the Oozie proxy user.
    1. Browse to Services > HDFS > Configs.
    2. In core-site, update the hadoop.proxyuser.oozie.hosts property to include the newly added Oozie Server host.
      Use commas to separate multiple host names.
  8. Restart services.
Review and confirm all recommended configuration changes.