Administering Ambari
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Setting up Ambari to use an Internet proxy server

To access private software repositories using the Internet, Ambari should use a proxy server.

If you plan to use private repositories (repositories available on the Internet) for installing Apache Ambari and deploying Hadoop components in your cluster, you must provide Ambari and the hosts in the cluster Internet access to obtain the software from those repositories. Specifically:

  • Ambari Server: uses Internet access to validate the repositories.
  • yum (or an equivalent, OS-specific package manager): performs the software installation from the repositories.
Therefore, if your environment requires use of an Internet proxy server for access, you must:
  1. Configure Ambari Server to use a proxy server.
  2. Configure yum on all cluster hosts to use that proxy server.

Ambari can install software if you have no Internet access. If you have no Internet access (via a proxy server or otherwise), you can use local repositories for installing the cluster software. In that case, configuring Ambari to use a proxy server is not required. However, Ambari and the hosts in the cluster must have access to your local repositories.

If the Ambari Server is behind a firewall, you must instruct the ambari-server setup commad to use a proxy when downloading a JDK. To do so, define the http_proxy environment variable in the shell before running the setup command. For example:

export http_proxy=http://{username}:{password}@{proxyHost}:{proxyPort}
ambari-server setup

where {username} and {password} are optional.

Defining a proxy server, username and password in /etc/yum.conf means all users of yum connect to the proxy server with those details. Please consult your system administrators and refer to your operating system documentation for more details on this configuration and possible alternatives.