Creating a Cloudbreak Credential on Azure
Also available as:

Create an app-based credential

Follow these steps to create an app based Cloudbreak credential.

The following video demonstrates how to meet the prerequisites for and create an app-based Cloudbreak credential on Azure:


  1. On Azure Portal, navigate to the Active Directory > App Registrations and register a new application. For more information, refer to Azure documentation.

    Aa an alternative to the steps listed below for creating an application registration, you can use a utility called azure-cli-tools. The utility supports app creation and role assignment. It is available at

  2. Navigate to the Subscriptions, choose Access control (IAM).
  3. Click Add and then assign the “Contributor” role to your newly created application by:
    • Under Role selecting “Contributor” or other role that includes the minimum required action set (If using a custom role, use the following role definition).
    • Typing your app name under Select and then selecting it:

    If you are unable to use the "Contributor" role, you can create a custom role by using the following role definition, which includes the minimum permissions required for creating clusters with Cloudbreak.


    This step can only be performed by a user with the Owner role, so you may have to contact your Azure administrator.


  1. In the Cloudbreak web UI, select Credentials from the navigation pane.
  2. Click Create Credential.
  3. Under Cloud provider, select “Microsoft Azure”.
  4. Select App based Login.
  5. On the Configure credential page, provide the following parameters:
    Parameter Description
    Select Credential Type Select App based.
    Name Enter a name for your credential.
    Description (Optional) Enter a description.
    Subscription Id Copy and paste the Subscription ID from your Subscriptions.
    Tenant Id Copy and paste your Directory ID from your Active Directory > Properties.
    App Id Copy and paste the Application ID from your Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > your app registration’s Settings > Properties.
    Password This is your application key. You can generate it from your Azure Active Directory app registration’s Settings > Keys.

    To obtain the Subscription Id from Subscriptions:

    To obtain the App ID (actually Application ID) and an application key from Azure Active Directory:

    To obtain the Tenant ID (actually Directory Id) from Azure Active Directory:

  6. Click Create.

    Now that you have created a Cloudbreak credential, you can start creating clusters.