Quickstart on GCP
Also available as:

Launch Cloudbreak from the quickstart template on GCP

Launch Cloudbreak from an Cloud Deployment Manager template by using the following steps. This is the quickstart deployment option.

As of December 31, 2021, Cloudbreak reached end of support. For more information, see Support lifecycle policy. Cloudera recommends that you migrate your workloads to CDP Public Cloud.


  1. Log in to your GitHub account.
  2. Run the following command to download the following Hortonworks repo onto your computer and check out the release branch:
    git clone https://github.com/hortonworks/cbd-quickstart
    cd cbd-quickstart
    git checkout 2.9.2

    You may see a message similar to the following:

    Note: checking out '2.9.2'.
    You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
    changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
    state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
    If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
    do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
    git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
    HEAD is now at c243249... Updated CBD versions in templates to 2.9.2
  3. On your computer, browse to the cbd-quickstart/gcp.
  4. Open the vm_template_config.yaml file in a text editor.
  5. Edit the file by updating the property values:

    Do not edit any other parameters in the vm_template_config.yaml file.

    Parameter Description Default
    region Enter the GCP region in which you would like to launch Cloudbreak. You can launch Cloudbreak and provision your clusters in all regions supported by GCP. us-central-1
    zone Enter the GCP region’s zone in which you would like to launch Cloudbreak. You can launch Cloudbreak and provision your clusters in all regions supported by GCP. us-central1-a
    instance_type Enter the VM instance type. n1-standard-4
    ssh_pub_key Paste your SSH public key enclosed in quotation marks ("..."). "You need to set the SSH_KEY environment variable"
    os_user Enter the name of the user that you would like to use to SSH to the VM. cloudbreak
    user_email Enter the email address that you would like to use to log in to Cloudbreak. admin@cloudbreak.com
    user_password Enter the password that you would like to use to log in to Cloudbreak. cloudbreak
    service_account_email Enter the email for the service account created in prerequisites. You need to set the GCP_ACCOUNT_EMAIL environment variable
  6. Save the changes on your local machine.
  7. Run the following command to create a new deployment:
    gcloud deployment-manager deployments create cbd-deployment --config=/[$path-to-file]/cbd-quickstart/gcp/vm_template_config.yaml

    For example:

    gcloud deployment-manager deployments create cbd-deployment --config=/Users/testuser/Documents/cbd-quickstart/gcp/vm_template_config.yaml
  8. Once your deployment has finished, you will see the following:
    gcloud deployment-manager deployments create cbd-deployment --config=/Users/testuser/Documents/cbd-quickstart/gcp/vm_template_config.yaml
    Waiting for create operation-1527749967574-56d7b021f73f1-773609ee-060d4332...done.
    Create operation operation-1527749967574-56d7b021f73f1-773609ee-060d4332 completed successfully.
    NAME                            TYPE                          STATE      ERRORS  INTENT
    cbd-deployment-default-route-1  compute.v1.route              COMPLETED  []
    cbd-deployment-network          compute.v1.network            COMPLETED  []
    cbd-deployment-startup-config   runtimeconfig.v1beta1.config  COMPLETED  []
    cbd-deployment-startup-waiter   runtimeconfig.v1beta1.waiter  COMPLETED  []
    cbd-deployment-subnet           compute.v1.subnetwork         COMPLETED  []
    cbd-deployment-vm               compute.v1.instance           COMPLETED  []
    firewall-cbd-deployment         compute.v1.firewall           COMPLETED  []
  9. The last output should be the the deploymentIp. Copy the IP address and paste it in the browser so that you can log in to the Cloudbreak web UI.
  10. Paste the link in your browser’s address bar.
    1. Confirm the security exception to proceed to the Cloudbreak web UI.
      The first time you access Cloudbreak web UI, Cloudbreak automatically generates a self-signed certificate, due to which your browser warns you about an untrusted connection and asks you to confirm a security exception.
      Browser Steps
      Firefox Click Advanced > Click Add Exception… > Click Confirm Security Exception
      Safari Click Continue
      Chrome Click Advanced > Click Proceed…
    2. The login page is displayed:

    3. Log in to the Cloudbreak web UI using the credential that you configured in the CloudFormation template.
    4. Upon a successful login, you are redirected to the dashboard: