Data Analytics Studio Installation
Also available as:

Install the Data Analytics Studio Engine

Data Analytics Studio requires that the DAS Engine be installed on all custers. The engine is installed on the Ambari host, using an Ambari management pack (MPack). An MPack bundles service definitions, stack definitions, and stack add-on service definitions.

This task must be completed on all the clusters to be used with DAS.
You must have root access to the Ambari Server host node to perform this task.
Download the required repository tarballs from the Hortonworks customer portal by following the instructions provided as part of the product procurement process. The repository tarballs for the DAS Engine are different from the DAS app repository tarballs.
  1. Log in as root to an Ambari host on a cluster.
  2. Install the Data Analytics Studio MPack by running the following command, replacing <mpack-file-name> with the name of the MPack.
    ambari-server install-mpack --mpack=<mpack-file-name> --verbose 
  3. Restart the Ambari server.
    ambari-server restart
  4. Launch Ambari in a browser and log in.
    Default credentials are:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  5. In the Ambari Services navigation pane, click Actions > Add Service.
    The Add Service Wizard displays.
  6. On the Choose Services page of the Wizard, select the Data Analytics Studio service to install in Ambari, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
    Other required services are automatically selected.
  7. When prompted to confirm addition of dependent services, give a positive confirmation to all.
    This adds other required services.
  8. On the Assign Masters page, you can choose the default settings.
  9. On the Customize Services page, expand Advance_data_analytics_studio-database and fill in the database details and other required fields that are highlighted.
    1. If you installed Postgres on your own:
      1. Uncheck Create Data Analytics Studio database.
      2. Set the database host in the Data Analytics Studio database hostname.
      3. Set the database username in Data Analytics Studio database username.
      The hostname is ignored if the Create Data Analytics Studio database option is checked, the database will be installed on the same host as webapp.
    2. Database Password - Enter the password.

    You can set credentials to whatever you want.

  10. If Hive SSL is enabled, set the Hive session params in DAS configuration as follows:
  11. If KNOX SSO is enabled, update admin_users under Advanced data_analytics_studio-security-site, with the list of users who need admin access to DAS.
    Only admin users have access to all the queries. Non-admin users can access only their queries.
  12. Complete the remaining installation wizard steps and exit the wizard.
  13. Ensure that all components required for your DAS service have started successfully.
  14. Make sure to restart all the affected services in Ambari.