Data Analytics Studio Installation
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Additional configuration tasks

Make sure you consider these additional configurations as part of your DAS installation.

  1. Work with HiveServer2: If your Hive deployment is not LLAP-enabled and does not have Hive Server Interactive, you need to update the configuration for DAS to work with HiveServer 2 as follows:

    Go to Ambari > Data Analytics Studio > Configs and change use.hive.interactive.mode=true to use.hive.interactive.mode=false

  2. Cleanup of Audit Log: Audit Log is written by Hive/Tez to HDFS for DAS to consume. Once DAS consumes them, this information on HDFS is no longer required. They are cleaned automatically via a thread in HMS (Hive metastore).

    The time to live count of the audit logs is defined in the parameter. By default, the logs are retained for seven days. To configure a custom value:

    1. On the Ambari UI, go to Hive > HiveMetaStore > Configs and specify the time to live in the parameter.

      For example, to retain the logs for 30 days, specify 30d.

      Typically, a 30-day duration is useful if you want to download older DAG data.

    2. Restart Hive service.