Data Analytics Studio Operations
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Running a query on a different Hive instance

By default, ZooKeeper redirects your query to run on a Hive instance that is available at that time. However, if you have optimized a certain Hive instance, and you want to run your workload on that particular Hive instance, then you can switch to that instance by specifying the HiveServer2 hostname and the port in the JDBC connection field on the DAS user interface.

The JDBC connection string is defined by the hive.zookeeper.quorum property under Ambari > Services > Hive > CONFIGS > ADVANCED > Advanced hive-site.

The JDBC connection string that you specify through the web interface is a temporary configuration and is limited to that particular browser session.

Alternatively, you can go to Ambari > Data Analytics Studio > CONFIGS > Advanced data_analytics_studio-properties, and specify a configuration string in the Hive session params field as shown in the following example along with the rest of the parameters such as truststore and password:

To update the JDBC connection string through the web interface:

  1. Sign in to the DAS portal.
  2. Click the profile icon on the top right corner and then click About.
  3. On the Configurations window, click Edit under the JDBC connection field.
  4. Specify the HiveServer2 hostname and port that you want to connect to in the following format:
    The Hive instance that you want to switch to should be within the same cluster.
  5. To save the changes, click Update.
  6. To revert any changes that you have made to the original connection string, click Reset.
  7. To go back to the Configurations window, click Cancel.
  8. To exit, click OK.
When you run your query after updating the JDBC connection string, the query is executed on that particular Hive instance instead of being redirected to any Hive instance by ZooKeeper.