Getting Started
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General requirements for DPS installation

Understanding the requirements and recommendations indicated below can help to avoid common issues during and after DPS installation.

  • Be sure to review the DPS Platform Support Matrix to confirm you meet the environment and system requirements, including Docker and networking.
  • You need to have root access to the nodes on which all DPS services will be installed.
  • Every host name used with DPS must be resolvable by DNS or configured in the /etc/hosts file on the DPS container, so that host names can be resolved between all cluster nodes.

    Using a DNS server is the recommended method, but if the instances are added to /etc/hosts, you must explicitly register the cluster host names within the DPS Docker containers. It is not sufficient to have the host names included in the /etc/hosts file on the DPS Platform host. See the DPS Platform Administration guide for instructions.

  • If you are using AWS, do not use the public DNS to access DPS.

    Use a public IP address or set up and use a DNS (Route 53) fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

  • Have your enterprise LDAP details available.

    See Enterprise LDAP Requirements for more details.

  • Determine which DPS Apps you plan to install and which cluster(s) you plan to add to DPS.

    Be sure to review the App-specific documentation thoroughly to make sure you can meet the App-specific requirements. For example, depending on your choice of Apps, your cluster requirements might change. This includes (but is not limited to) a minimal HDP version, setup and configuration of Knox, and other cluster requirements. See Preparing Your Cluster for more details.

The high-level installation procedure involves two work streams:

Installing DPS & the DPS Apps

Install and configure the DPS Platform and your target DPS Apps.

Proceed to the DPS Platform Installation guide.

Preparing Your Clusters for DPS

Prepare your clusters, which can include upgrading, adding and configuring Knox, and adding required DPS Agents (per your choice of DPS Apps).

Proceed to General requirements for clusters.