Installing DataPlane
Also available as:

Initialize DP Platform

After installing the RPMs and optionally configuring your external database and TLS certificate, you must initialize DataPlane.

You will be initializing and configuring the DP Platform.

If you plan to use an external database or use your own TLS (SSL) certificate, be sure to configure those options prior to initializing the DP Platform. Refer to Configure an external database and Configure a TLS certificate for more details.

  1. Navigate to the folder containing the DataPlane configuration script.
    cd /usr/dp/current/core/bin
  2. Initialize the software.
    This loads the Docker images into your local system and prompts for configuration options.
    ./ init --all
  3. Create the password for a Super User and a Master Password for the system.
    Ensure that you remember these passwords, as they cannot be retrieved or reset. If you forget the password, contact Hortonworks Support for further assistance.
    DataPlane Services will now setup a Super User with a username 'admin'.
    This user can configure LDAP, add DataPlane Service Admins, enable services, etc.
    Setup a password for this user.
    Enter password for DataPlane Services Super User: 
    Re-enter password: 
    DataPlane Services will now setup a Master password that is used to secure the secret storage for the system.
    Caution: The master password can be setup only once and cannot be reset easily.
    You will need to provide it for various admin operations. Hence please remember what you enter here.
    Enter master password for DataPlane Service (Minimum 6 characters long): 
    Reenter password: 
  4. When the initialization process completes, you can check the status of the docker containers using the following command:
    docker ps 
    Sample output:
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                        COMMAND                  CREATED           STATUS              PORTS                                                           NAMES
    a9ce135f1b4a    hortonworks/dp-app:               "/"          34 seconds ago    Up 33 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp, 9000/tcp                         dp-app
    3605425f7337    hortonworks/dp-cluster-service:   "./docker_service_..."   35 seconds ago    Up 33 seconds    9009-9010/tcp                                                              dp-cluster-service
    80bff7d6d4f4    hortonworks/dp-db-service:        "./docker_service_..."   35 seconds ago    Up 34 seconds    9000/tcp                                                                   dp-db-service
    55658aefe1f5    hortonworks/dp-gateway:           "./docker_service_..."   36 seconds ago    Up 35 seconds    8762/tcp                                                                   dp-gateway
    888df9acb2ea    hortonworks/dp-knox:              "/usr/dp-scripts/k..."   38 seconds ago    Up 36 seconds    53/udp, 8300-8302/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8301-8302/udp, 8500/tcp                   knox
    4146fe3dc416    consul:1.0.1                                 "docker-entrypoint..."   39 seconds ago    Up 38 seconds    8300-8302/tcp, 8301-8302/udp, 8600/tcp, 8600/udp,>8500/tcp   dp-consul-server
    d6e1fc2c6d28    postgres:9.6.3-alpine                        "docker-entrypoint..."   53 seconds ago    Up 51 seconds    5432/tcp                                                                   dp-database
    Output descriptions:
    Docker Container Description
    dp-app DataPlane Instance application (UI, web, etc.), accessible from port 443 (port 80 redirects to port 443)
    dp-cluster-service Powers how DP Platform talks to clusters
    dp-db-service Backend data store API in support of DP Apps
    dp-gateway Handles routing between DP Platform, DP Apps, Knox, etc.
    dp-knox Runs a Knox instance that wraps the DataPlane instance. This is the AuthN enforcement point for DataPlane via single sign-on (SSO).
    consul Handles the networking of the containers
    postgres The PostgreSQL database instance that the DataPlane instance uses by default. This is not used if you configure DataPlane for an external database.
  5. Browse to your DP Instance host and proceed to log in using the Super User admin account.

    If you are using AWS, do not use the public DNS to access DataPlane. Use a public IP address or set up and use a DNS (Route 53) fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

    As part of the installation process, data collection using cookies and other telemetry mechanisms is turned on by default. To disable all data telemetry, see the topic for disabling data telemetry.
You can now complete configuration of the DataPlane Platform.