Understanding the Sensitive Data Profiler (SDP)
The Sensitive Data Profiler automatically performs context and content inspection to detect various types of sensitive data and suggest suitable classifications or tags based on the type of sensitive content detected or discovered.
Auto-detected data types
- Bank account
- Credit card
- Driver number (UK)
- IBAN number
- Austria (AUT)
- Belgium (BEL)
- Bulgaria (BGR)
- Switzerland (CHE)
- Cyprus (CYP)
- Czech Republic (CZE)
- Germany (DEU)
- Denmark (DNK)
- Spain (ESP)
- Estonia (EST)
- Finland (FIN)
- France (FRA)
- United Kingdom (GBR)
- Greece (GRC)
- Croatia (HRV)
- Hungary (HUN)
- Ireland (IRL)
- Iceland (ISL)
- Italy (ITA)
- Liechtenstein (LIE)
- Lithuania (LTU)
- Latvia (LVA)
- Luxembourg (LUX)
- Malta (MLT)
- Netherlands (NLD)
- Norway (NOR)
- Poland (POL)
- Portugal (PRT)
- Romania (ROU)
- Slovakia (SVK)
- Slovenia (SVN)
- Sweden (SWE)
- IP address
- Name
- National ID number
- Bulgaria (BGR)
- Switzerland (CHE)
- Czech Republic (CZE)
- Denmark (DNK)
- Spain (ESP)
- Estonia (EST)
- Finland (FIN)
- Greece (GRC)
- Ireland (IRL)
- Iceland (ISL)
- Italy (ITA)
- Lithuania (LTU)
- Latvia (LVA)
- Norway (NOR)
- Poland (POL)
- Portugal (PRT)
- Romania (ROU)
- Slovakia (SVK)
- Sweden (SWE)
- National insurance number (UK)
- Passport number
- Austria (AUT)
- Belgium (BEL)
- Switzerland (CHE)
- Germany (DEU)
- Spain (ESP)
- Finland (FIN)
- France (FRA)
- Greece (GRC)
- Ireland (IRL)
- Italy (ITA)
- Poland (POL)
- United Kingdom (UK)
- Bank Routing Number
- US Social Security Number
- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
- Telephone