DSS Installation
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Set up Knox topologies

After configuring the external database, you must set up the knox topologies.

To access the Profiler agent behind Knox gateway, set up the two Knox topologies - dp-proxy.xml and token.xml.

  1. Log in to the cluster as root user.
  2. Create two topology files - dp-proxy.xml and token.xml in Knox on the HDP cluster.
    For more information about setting up these files, see DPS Installation Guide.
  3. On each cluster, place the dp-proxy.xml and token.xml in the Knox topologies folder.
    1. Navigate to the topologies folder using this command:
      cd /etc/knox/conf/topologies
    2. Paste the dp-proxy.xml and token.xml files to this folder.
  4. Add the Profiler Agent Server address in the the dp-proxy.xml file as follows:
    <url>URI of the server address</url>