DSS Administration
Also available as:

Roles required for working with Data Steward Studio

Access to Data Steward Studio requires either a DSS Steward role or DSS Analyst role. To assign these roles to a user, you must log in to DataPlane Platform as a Data Plane Admin and assign the corresponding roles.

DSS Steward role

The DSS Steward has access to all the features within Data Steward Studio and can perform all read and write operations within DSS.

The DSS Steward has the following capabilities and restrictions.

Managing asset collections

  • Can create new asset collections and add assets to asset collections.
  • Can add comments on asset collections.
  • Can rate asset collections.
  • Can bookmark asset collections.
  • Can view data asset details such as schema, tags, authorization policies, and audit logs.

Managing tags

  • Can view, add, and delete managed tags.
  • Can view, add, and delete system tags.
  • Can view propagated tags.

Managing Dashboard

  • Can view Data lake dashboard and components within it.

Managing Profilers

  • Can view the status and configurations of all Profilers.
  • Can activate or deactivate individual Profilers.
  • Can edit and change configurations of Profilers on the Profiler configs page.

DSS Analyst role

The DSS Analyst has read access and can view all the features within Data Steward Studio.

The DSS Analyst has the following capabilities and restrictions.

Managing asset collections

  • Can view asset collections.
  • Cannot create new asset collections and add assets to asset collections.
  • Can add comments on asset collections.
  • Can rate asset collections.
  • Can bookmark asset collections.
  • Can view data asset details such as schema, tags, authorization policies, and audit logs.

Managing tags

  • Can view managed tags, but cannot add and delete managed tags.
  • Can view system taggs, but cannot add and delete system tags.
  • Can view propagated tags.

Managing Dashboard

  • Can view Data lake dashboard and components within it.

Managing Profilers

  • Can view all Profilers.
  • Cannot activate or deactivate individual Profilers.
  • Cannot edit and change configurations of Profilers on the Profiler Configs page.