Data Steward Studio Installation and Upgrade
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Data Steward Studio Installation Steps

You must install the Data Plane Platform, Data Plane Profiler Agent, and Data Steward Studio app in the specified order.

To install Data Steward Studio, perform the following steps:

  1. Get your software.
    1. Download the DataPlane and Data Steward Studio installation artifacts.
    2. Set up a local repository.
    3. Create the repository configuration file.
  2. Set up DataPlane Platform.
    1. Install or upgrade to the supported version of Data Plane Platform.
    2. Configure DataPlane Platform.
  3. Prepare your cluster for use with DSS.
    1. Install or upgrade Ambari.
    2. Install or upgrade HDP to the supported version.
    3. Set up security on your cluster.
      • (Required) Set up Ambari.
      • (Required) Configure Knox SSO topologies.
      • (Required) Install Ranger and set up permissions.
      • (Required) Set up Kerberos for your cluster.
  4. Install Data Plane Profiler Agent on the HDP Cluster.
    1. Configure an external database for DataPlane Profiler Agent.
    2. Install the DataPlane Profiler Agent using the DP Profiler Agent management pack.
    3. Update the Knox topologies. Make sure the topologies are already created as specified in the DataPlane Installation instructions.
  5. Install Data Steward Studio app.
    1. Configure an external database for Data Steward Studio app.
    2. Install the Data Steward Studio app.
    3. Enable clusters for DSS in DataPlanen Platform.

You are strongly encouraged to read completely through this entire document before starting the installation process, so that you understand the interdependencies and order of the steps.