Also available as:


To validate that everything is working, login to the server hosting Metron. We use the Stellar Shell to replicate the execution environment of Stellar running in a Storm topology, like Metron's Parser or Enrichment topology. Replace 'node1:2181' with the URL to a ZooKeeper Broker.

[root@node1 0.3.0]# bin/stellar -z node1:2181
Stellar, Go!
Please note that functions are loading lazily in the background and will be unavailable until loaded fully.
{es.clustername=metron, es.ip=node1, es.port=9300,}

[Stellar]>>> ?PROFILE_GET
Functions loaded, you may refer to functions now...
Description: Retrieves a series of values from a stored profile.

    profile - The name of the profile.
    entity - The name of the entity.
    durationAgo - How long ago should values be retrieved from?
    units - The units of 'durationAgo'.
    groups - Optional - The groups used to sort the profile.

Returns: The profile measurements.

[Stellar]>>> PROFILE_GET('test','', 1, 'HOURS')
[12078.0, 8921.0, 12131.0]

The client API call above has retrieved the past hour of the 'test' profile for the entity ''.