Indexing (HDFS) Tuning
There are 48 partitions set for the indexing partition, per the enrichment exercise above.
These are the batch size settings for the Bro index.
``` cat ${METRON_HOME}/config/zookeeper/indexing/bro.json { "hdfs" : { "index": "bro", "batchSize": 50, "enabled" : true }... }```
And here are the settings we used for the indexing topology
General storm settings
``` topology.workers: 4 topology.acker.executors: 24 topology.max.spout.pending: 2000 ```
Spout and Bolt Settings
``` hdfsSyncPolicy org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.sync.CountSyncPolicy constructor arg=100000 hdfsRotationPolicy bolt.hdfs.rotation.policy.units=DAYS bolt.hdfs.rotation.policy.count=1 kafkaSpout parallelism: 24 setPollTimeoutMs=200 setMaxUncommittedOffsets=10000000 setOffsetCommitPeriodMs=30000 hdfsIndexingBolt parallelism: 24 ```