Hortonworks Cybersecurity Platform
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Known Differences Between HCP 1.5.1 and HCP 1.5.0

The following bugs identify known differences between HCP 1.5.1 and HCP 1.5.0.

Table 1. Known Differences Between HCP 1.5.1 and HCP 1.4.2
Feature Description
METRON-1421 Create a SolrMetaAlertDao
METRON-1489 Retrofit UI tests to run reliably during nightly QE runs
METRON-1532 Getting started documentation improvements
METRON-1533 Create KAFKA_FIND Stellar Function
METRON-1544 Flaky test: org.apache.metron.stellar.common.CachingStellarProcessorTest#testCaching
METRON-1547 Solr Comment Fields
METRON-1553 Validate JIRA Script Error
METRON-1565 Metaalerts fix denormalization after moving to active status
METRON-1566 Alert updates are not propagated to metaalert child alerts
METRON-1568 Stellar should have a _ special variable which returns the message in map form
METRON-1569 Allow user to change field name conversion when indexing to Elasticsearch
METRON-1571 Correct KAFKA_TAIL Seek to End Logic
METRON-1572 Enhance KAFKA_PUT function
METRON-1573 Enhance KAFKA_* functions to return partition and offset details
METRON-1574 Update version to 0.5.0
METRON-1575 Add leet gpg public key to the KEYS file
METRON-1576 bundle.css RAT failure for metron-interface/metron-alerts
METRON-1577 Solr searches don't include the index of the result
METRON-1579 Stellar should return the expression that failed in the exception
METRON-1580 Release candidate check script requires Bro Plugin
METRON-1584 Fix multivalue field errors in Bro Solr schema
METRON-1585 SolrRetrieveLatestDao does not use the collection lookup
METRON-1586 Defaulting for the source type field in alerts UI does not work
METRON-1589 '/api/v1/search/search' fails when 'Solr Zookeeper Urls' has comma separated multiple zookeeper urls
METRON-1592 Unable to use third party parser with Storm versions >= 1.1.0
METRON-1593 Setting Metron rest additional classpath removes HBase and Hadoop configs from classpath
METRON-1594 Indexing Topology Crashes with Invalid Message
METRON-1598 NoClassDefFoundError when running with Elasticsearch X-Pack
METRON-1599 Allow user to define global property 'source.type.field' in Ambari
METRON-1601 Rename metaalert alert nested field to metron_alert to avoid collision
METRON-1603 Fix multivalue field errors in Bro Solr schema
METRON-1607 Update public web site to point at 0.5.0 new release
METRON-1608 Add configuration for threat.triage.field name
METRON-1609 Elasticsearch settings in Ambari should not be required if Solr is the indexer
METRON-1611 Increment master version number to 0.5.1 for on-going development
METRON-1612 Fix website download links
METRON-1613 Metaalerts status update broken in Alerts UI
METRON-1616 Changing alert status fails if no metaalerts have been created yet
METRON-1622 Allow user to define global property 'threat.triage.score.field' in Ambari
METRON-1624 Set Profiler and Enrichment batch parameters in Ambari
METRON-1625 Merge master into Solr feature branch
METRON-1626 Set Profiler and Enrichment batch parameters in Ambari
METRON-1627 Alerts UI: Metaalert details missing in details panel when trying to add alert to existing metaalert
METRON-1629 Update Solr documentation
METRON-1630 Add threat.triage.score.field to READMEs
METRON-1633 Incorrect instructions when merging PR into feature branch
METRON-1637 Wrong path to escalate alert REST endpoint