Runbook Prioritizing Threat Intelligence
Also available as:

View Triaged Alerts Using Kafka

You can view triaged alerts in the indexing topic in Kafka.

  1. List the Kafka topics to find the threat triage alert panel:
    /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --zookeeper $ZOOKEEPER_HOST:2181 --list
  2. View the threat triage alert Kafka topic:
    cd $METRON_HOME/bin/.stellar
    The topic should appear similar to the following:
    ║ Name              │ Comment │ Triage Rule                                                      │ Score │ Reason                                                                                                                                 ║
    ║ Abnormal DNS Port │         │ source.type == "bro" and protocol == "dns" and ip_dst_port != 53 │ 10    │ FORMAT("Abnormal DNS Port: expected: 53, found: %s:%d", ip_dst_addr, ip_dst_port) ║