Stellar Language Quick Reference
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Stellar Language Equality Check

You can use the Stellar language equality check to define both sides of a Stellar syntax.

Below is how the == operator is expected to work:

  • If either side of the expression is null then check equality using Java's `==` expression.

  • Else if both sides of the expression are of Java's type Number then:

    • If either side of the expression is a double then use the double value of both sides to test equality.

    • Else if either side of the expression is a float then use the float value of both sides to test equality.

    • Else if either side of the expression is a long then use long value of both sides to test equality.

    • Otherwise use int value of both sides to test equality

  • Otherwise use equals method compare the left side with the right side.

The `!=` operator is the negation of the above.