Triaging Alerts
Also available as:

Create a Meta Alert

The meta alert feature enables you to create a save a group of filtered alerts. Like the group feature, you can group filtered alerts that pertain to an incident. However, with meta alert, you can save your grouping, creating a system entity, to view it later. Also, when you filter alerts, if a relevant alert is contained in a meta alert, the entire meta alert will be included in the filter results.

  1. Click one of the groups listed by Group By.
    The Alerts table view changes to a tree view listing the values of the groups.
  2. Use the Search and GroupBy options to create one or more groups containing alerts on which you want to focus.
  3. When you have selected a group of alerts that you want to focus on, click (meta alert icon), then confirm that you wish to create a meta alert with the selected alerts.
    The meta alert disappears from the tree view. You can still see the meta alert in the alerts table view.
  4. You can rename your meta alert by completing the following steps:
    1. Display the Alerts UI display panel by clicking on empty space in the meta alert row.

      Alerts Information Panel

    2. Click the current meta alert name at the top of the panel and enter your new meta alert name.
    3. Dismiss the panel by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the panel.