Installing HDF Services on an Existing HDP Cluster
Also available as:

Upgrade the Ambari Databases and Restart Ambari

  1. Upgrade Ambari Server database schema. On the host running Ambari Server:

    ambari-server upgrade
  2. Start the Ambari Server. On the host running Ambari Server:

    ambari-server start
  3. Start all Ambari Agents. On each host in your cluster running an Ambari Agent:

    ambari-agent start
  4. Open Ambari Web.

    Point your browser to http://<your.ambari.server>:8080

    where <your.ambari.server> is the name of your ambari server host. For example,


    Refresh your browser so that it loads the new version of the Ambari Web code. If you have problems, clear your browser cache manually, then restart Ambari Server.

  5. Log in, using the Ambari administrator credentials that you have set up.

    For example, the default name/password is admin/admin.

    You will see a Restart indicator next to each service after upgrading. Ambari upgrade has added to/adjusted the configuration properties of your cluster based on new configuration types and properties being made available for each service with this release of Ambari. Review these changes by comparing the previous configuration with the latest version created by "ambari-upgrade".

  6. If you have configured Ambari to authenticate against an external LDAP or Active Directory, you must re-run

    ambari-server setup-ldap
  7. If you are running Ambari Metrics service in your cluster, you must upgrade Ambari Metrics System and add the Grafana component.

  8. If your cluster includes the SmartSense service, you must upgrade SmartSense along with Ambari.