Configuring and Deploying the Reference Application
In SAM, go into the edit mode the Trucking Ref App using the url outputted in the logs and then follow the below steps to configure and deploy the ref app:
Double click on the TruckGeoEvent Kafka Source and configure it.
Select a cluster.
Select truck_events_avro for the kafka topic.
Select 1 for the Reader Schema Version
Put an unique value for the consumer group id
Double click on the TruckSpeedEvent Kafka Source and configure it.
Select a cluster.
Select truck_speed_events_avro for the kafka topic.
Select 1 for the Reader Schema Version
Put an unique value for the consumer group id
Open the configuration for the two Druid sinks (Alerts-Speeding-Driver-Cube and Dashboard-Predictions) and configure each one by selecting a cluster.
Open the configuration for the ENRICH-HR and ENRICH-Timesheet configure the ‘Phoenix ZooKeeper Connection Url” based on your cluster (e.g.: ZK_HOST:ZK:PORT).
Open the configuration for the Hbase and HDFS sink and ensure that the cluster is selected.