File Manager
The File Manager utility allows system administrators to take a backup of an existing NiFi installation, install a new version of NiFi in a designated location (while migrating any previous configuration settings) or restore an installation from a previous backup. File Manager supports NiFi version 1.0.0 and higher and is available in 'file-manager.bat' file for use on Windows machines.
To show help: -h
The following are available options:
,--backupDir <arg>
Backup NiFi Directory (used with backup or restore operation) -
,--nifiCurrentDir <arg>
Current NiFi Installation Directory (used optionally with install or restore operation) -
,--nifiInstallDir <arg>
NiFi Installation Directory (used with install or restore operation) -
Print help info (optional) -
,--installFile <arg>
NiFi Install File (used with install operation) -
Allow repositories to be moved to new/restored nifi directory from existing installation, if available (used optionally with install or restore operation) -
,--operation <arg>
File operation (install | backup | restore) -
,--nifiRollbackDir <arg>
NiFi Installation Directory (used with install or restore operation) -
,--bootstrapConf <arg>
Current NiFi Bootstrap Configuration File (used optionally) -
Verbose messaging (optional) -
Overwrite existing configuration directory with upgrade changes (used optionally with install or restore operation)
Example usage on Linux:
# backup NiFi installation
# option -t may be provided to ensure backup of external boostrap.conf file
-o backup
-b /tmp/nifi_bak
-c /usr/nifi_old
# install NiFi using compressed tar file into /usr/nifi directory (should install as /usr/nifi/nifi-1.3.0).
# migrate existing configurations with location determined by external bootstrap.conf and move over repositories from nifi_old
# options -t and -c should both be provided if migration of configurations, state and repositories are required
-o install
-i nifi-1.3.0.tar.gz
-d /usr/nifi
-c /usr/nifi/nifi_old
-t /usr/nifi/old_conf/bootstrap.conf
# restore NiFi installation from backup directory and move back repositories
# option -t may be provided to ensure bootstrap.conf is restored to the file path provided, otherwise it is placed in the
# default directory under the rollback path (e.g. /usr/nifi_old/conf)
-o restore
-b /tmp/nifi_bak
-r /usr/nifi_old
-c /usr/nifi