Ambari Managed HDF Upgrade
Also available as:

Verify NiFi Toolkit Version

Ambari 2.7.0 verifies your NiFi Toolkit versions, and requires that you have one that matches the version of NiFi and NiFi Registry that you have installed. Before you begin the upgrade process, verify that you have the necessary version of the NiFi Toolkit.

  1. Identify the version of NiFi and NiFi Registry that you have installed.
    run hdf-select status | nifi
    run hdf-select status | nifi-registry

    This returns the stack version of NiFi and NiFi Registry. For example, if you have HDF 3.1.x installed, hdf-select returns something similar to:

    nifi -
    nifi-registry -
  2. Ensure that var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp contains a version of the NiFi Toolkit that contains this stack version. For example, based on the above returns, you should have a NiFi Toolkit directory named nifi-toolkit-
  3. If you do not have the required directory, copy an existing NiFi Toolkit directory and rename it using version and build number appropriate for your installation.
  4. Ensure that the service user is the owner of the copied directory.