Getting Started with Apache NiFi
Also available as:

Data Ingestion

  • GetFile: Streams the contents of a file from a local disk (or network-attached disk) into NiFi and then deletes the original file. This Processor is expected to move the file from one location to another location and is not to be used for copying the data.

  • GetFTP: Downloads the contents of a remote file via FTP into NiFi and then deletes the original file. This Processor is expected to move the data from one location to another location and is not to be used for copying the data.

  • GetSFTP: Downloads the contents of a remote file via SFTP into NiFi and then deletes the original file. This Processor is expected to move the data from one location to another location and is not to be used for copying the data.

  • GetJMSQueue: Downloads a message from a JMS Queue and creates a FlowFile based on the contents of the JMS message. The JMS Properties are optionally copied over as Attributes, as well.

  • GetJMSTopic: Downloads a message from a JMS Topic and creates a FlowFile based on the contents of the JMS message. The JMS Properties are optionally copied over as Attributes, as well. This Processor supports both durable and non-durable subscriptions.

  • GetHTTP: Downloads the contents of a remote HTTP- or HTTPS-based URL into NiFi. The Processor will remember the ETag and Last-Modified Date in order to ensure that the data is not continually ingested.

  • ListenHTTP: Starts an HTTP (or HTTPS) Server and listens for incoming connections. For any incoming POST request, the contents of the request are written out as a FlowFile, and a 200 response is returned.

  • ListenUDP: Listens for incoming UDP packets and creates a FlowFile per packet or per bundle of packets (depending on configuration) and emits the FlowFile to the 'success' relationship.

  • GetHDFS: Monitors a user-specified directory in HDFS. Whenever a new file enters HDFS, it is copied into NiFi and deleted from HDFS. This Processor is expected to move the file from one location to another location and is not to be used for copying the data. This Processor is also expected to be run On Primary Node only, if run within a cluster. In order to copy the data from HDFS and leave it in-tact, or to stream the data from multiple nodes in the cluster, see the ListHDFS Processor.

  • ListHDFS / FetchHDFS: ListHDFS monitors a user-specified directory in HDFS and emits a FlowFile containing the filename for each file that it encounters. It then persists this state across the entire NiFi cluster by way of a Distributed Cache. These FlowFiles can then be fanned out across the cluster and sent to the FetchHDFS Processor, which is responsible for fetching the actual content of those files and emitting FlowFiles that contain the content fetched from HDFS.

  • FetchS3Object: Fetches the contents of an object from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3). The outbound FlowFile contains the contents received from S3.

  • GetKafka: Fetches messages from Apache Kafka, specifically for 0.8.x versions. The messages can be emitted as a FlowFile per message or can be batched together using a user-specified delimiter.

  • GetMongo: Executes a user-specified query against MongoDB and writes the contents to a new FlowFile.

  • GetTwitter: Allows Users to register a filter to listen to the Twitter "garden hose" or Enterprise endpoint, creating a FlowFile for each tweet that is received.