Ambari Managed HDF Upgrade
Also available as:

Stop Ambari-Dependent Services

If you are upgrading Ambari, you must stop Ambari Metrics, Log Search, and the Ambari Server and Agents before you upgrade.

  1. If you are running Ambari Metrics in your cluster, stop the service and put it in Maintenance Mode.

    From Ambari Web, browse to Services > Ambari Metrics and select Stop from the Service Actions menu. Then, select Turn on Maintenance Mode from the Service Actions menu.

  2. If you are running Log Search in your cluster, stop the service.

    From Ambari Web, browse to Services > Log Search and select Stop from the Service Actions menu. Then, select Turn on Maintenance Mode from the Service Actions menu.

  3. Stop the Ambari Server. On the host running Ambari Server:
    ambari-server stop
  4. Stop all Ambari Agents. On each host in your cluster running an Ambari Agent:
    ambari-agent stop