8.9. Misc

This screen covers miscellaneous settings. Here you can set various general properties. Click the name of the group to expand and collapse the display.


If you customize any of these user names, do not use a hyphenated name, for example "hdfs-user". If you do, service status will not return correctly to Ambari Web and you will not be able to start/stop the service using the Ambari Web GUI.


Table 3.22. Misc Settings:Users/Groups


Proxy group for Hive, WebHCat, and Oozie

The name of the proxy group: for example users

HDFS UserThe user to run HDFS: for example hdfs

MapReduce User

The user to run MapReduce: for example mapred

HBase UserThe user to run HBase : for example hbase
Hive UserThe user to run Hive: for example hive
HCat UserThe user to run HCatalog: for example, hcat
WebHCat UserThe user to run WebHCat: for example, hcat
Oozie UserThe user to run Oozie : for example oozie
ZooKeeper UserThe user to run ZooKeeper: for example zookeeper
GroupThe group that the users specified above belong to: for example hadoop

When you have made all your changes, click Next.

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