Apache Ambari upgraded to version 1.2.3-rc0. For details, see Patch information for Ambari.
To upgrade Ambari server, follow the instructions provided here.
This version of Apache Ambari supports the following features:
Added support for Oracle Linux.
Added support for heterogenous Operating System installs.
Added support for customizing the Ganglia service account.
Added support for customizing the Hive Metastore log directory.
Heatmaps now include HBase. For more information, see here.
Improved Job Charts. For more information, see here.
Apache HBase updated to version 0.94.5.
Apache Flume updated to version 1.3.1.
Hive upgraded to version Use the following instructions to upgrade Hive:
Option I - Upgrade using Ambari:
Stop Hive and WebHCat services using the Ambari UI.
Execute the following commands on the Hive Server machine:
yum clean all yum update hive hcatalog webhcat-tar-hive
zypper clean all zypper up -r Updates-HDP-1.2.1
This command will upgrade the
, andwebhcat-tar-hive
packages in your environment.Important For a multinode cluster, ensure that you also update the host machine where Hive client is installed. On the client machine, execute the following command:
For RHEL/CentOS:
yum update hive catalog
zypper up -r Updates-HDP-1.2.1
Start Hive and WebHCat services using the Ambari UI.
Option II - Upgrade manually:
Stop Hive and WebHCat services using the instructions provided here.
Execute the following commands on the Hive Server machine:
yum clean all yum update hive hcatalog webhcat-tar-hive
zypper clean all zypper up -r Updates-HDP-1.2.1
This command will upgrade the
, andwebhcat-tar-hive
packages in your environment.Important For a multinode cluster, ensure that you also update the host machine where Hive client is installed. On the client machine, execute the following command:
For RHEL/CentOS:
yum update hive catalog
zypper up -r Updates-HDP-1.2.1
Start Hive and WebHCat services using the Ambari UI using the instructions provided here.