1.1. Troubleshooting Hive/HCatalog

Use these entries to help you troubleshoot any issues you might have installing Hive/HCatalog with non-default databases.

 1.1.1. Problem: Hive Metastore Install Fails Using Oracle

Check the install log:

cp /usr/share/java/${jdbc_jar_name} ${target}] has failures: true

The Oracle JDBC .jar file cannot be found. Soution

Make sure the file is in the appropriate directory on the Hive Metastore server and click Retry.

 1.1.2. Problem: Install Warning when "Hive Check Execute" Fails Using Oracle

Check the install log:

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01754: 
a table may contain only one column of type LONG

The Hive Metastore schema was not properly loaded into the database. Soution

Complete the install with the warning. Check your database to confirm the Hive Metastore schema is loaded. Once in the Ambari Web GIU, browse to Services > Hive/HCat. Use the Management Header to re-run the smoke test (Maintenance ->Run Smoke Test) to check that the schema is correctly in place.

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