1.1.11. Delete the Additional NameNode

You may need to delete your Additional NameNode.

  1. To check to see if you need to delete your Additional NameNode, on the Ambari Server host:

    curl -u ${AMBARI_USER}:${AMBARI_PW} -i -X GET ${AMBARI_PROTO}://localhost:${AMBARI_PORT}/api/v1/clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}/host_components?HostRoles/component_name=NAMENODE

    If the items array contains two NameNodes, the Additional NameNode must be deleted.

  2. To delete the Additional NameNode that was set up for HA, on the Ambari Server host:

    curl -u ${AMBARI_USER}:${AMBARI_PW} -i -X DELETE ${AMBARI_PROTO}://localhost:${AMBARI_PORT}/api/v1/clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}/hosts/${ADDITIONAL_NAMENODE_HOSTNAME}/host_components/NAMENODE
  3. Verify that the Additional NameNode has been deleted:

    curl -u ${AMBARI_USER}:${AMBARI_PW} -i -X GET ${AMBARI_PROTO}://localhost:${AMBARI_PORT}/api/v1/clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}/host_components?HostRoles/component_name=NAMENODE

    This should return an items array that shows only one NameNode.