4. Enable Tez for Hive Queries


This release of Tez does not support the following actions:

  • SMB joins


  • Index creation

  • Skew joins

Use the following instructions to enable Tez for Hive Queries:

  1. Copy the hive-exec-0.13.0.jar to HDFS at the following location: /apps/hive/install/hive-exec-0.13.0.jar.

    su - $HIVE_USER
    hadoop fs -mkdir /apps/hive/install
    hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /usr/lib/hive/lib/hive-exec-* /apps/hive/install/hive-exec-0.13.0.jar
  2. Enable Hive to use Tez DAG APIs. On the Hive client machine, add the following to your Hive script or execute it in the Hive shell:

    set hive.execution.engine=tez; 

Disabling Tez for Hive Queries

Use the following instructions to disable Tez for Hive queries:

On the Hive client machine, add the following to your Hive script or execute it in the Hive shell:

set hive.execution.engine=mr;

Tez will then be disabled for Hive queries.

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