Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez

Class Summary
DagUtils DagUtils.
HashTableLoader HashTableLoader for Tez constructs the hashtable from records read from a broadcast edge.
HivePreWarmProcessor A simple sleep processor implementation that sleeps for the configured time in milliseconds.
MapRecordProcessor Process input from tez LogicalInput and write output - for a map plan Just pump the records through the query plan.
MapTezProcessor Subclass that is used to indicate if this is a map or reduce process
ObjectCache ObjectCache.
RecordProcessor Process input from tez LogicalInput and write output It has different subclasses for map and reduce processing
ReduceRecordProcessor Process input from tez LogicalInput and write output - for a map plan Just pump the records through the query plan.
ReduceTezProcessor Subclass that is used to indicate if this is a map or reduce process
TezCacheAccess Access to the Object cache from Tez, along with utility methods for accessing specific Keys.
TezContext TezContext contains additional context only available with Tez
TezJobMonitor TezJobMonitor keeps track of a tez job while it's being executed.
TezProcessor Hive processor for Tez that forms the vertices in Tez and processes the data.
TezSessionPoolManager This class is for managing multiple tez sessions particularly when HiveServer2 is being used to submit queries.
TezSessionState Holds session state related to Tez
TezTask TezTask handles the execution of TezWork.

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