Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions

Interface Summary
AbstractFilterStringColLikeStringScalar.Checker A Checker contains a pattern and checks whether a given string matches or not.
IDoubleInExpr Interface used for both filter and non-filter versions of IN to simplify VectorizationContext code.
ILongInExpr Interface used for both filter and non-filter versions of IN to simplify VectorizationContext code.
IStringInExpr Interface used for both filter and non-filter versions of IN to simplify VectorizationContext code.
VectorExpressionWriter Interface used to create Writable objects from vector expression primitives.
VectorExpressionWriterFactory.SingleOIDClosure A poor man Java closure.

Class Summary
AbstractFilterStringColLikeStringScalar An abstract class for LIKE and REGEXP expressions.
CastDecimalToBoolean Type cast decimal to boolean
CastDecimalToDecimal Cast a decimal to a decimal, accounting for precision and scale changes.
CastDecimalToLong Type cast decimal to long
CastDecimalToString To support vectorized cast of decimal to string.
CastDecimalToTimestamp Type cast decimal to timestamp.
CastDoubleToDecimal Cast input double to a decimal.
CastLongToDate Casts a timestamp and date vector to a date vector.
CastLongToDecimal To be used to cast long and boolean to decimal.
CastStringToDate Casts a string vector to a date vector.
CastStringToDecimal Cast a string to a decimal.
CastTimestampToDecimal To be used to cast timestamp to decimal.
ColAndCol Evaluate AND of two boolean columns and store result in the output boolean column.
ColOrCol This class performs OR expression on two input columns and stores, the boolean output in a separate output column.
ConstantVectorExpression Constant is represented as a vector with repeating values.
CuckooSetBytes A high-performance set implementation used to support fast set membership testing, using Cuckoo hashing.
CuckooSetDouble A high-performance set implementation used to support fast set membership testing, using Cuckoo hashing.
CuckooSetLong A high-performance set implementation used to support fast set membership testing, using Cuckoo hashing.
DecimalColumnInList Output a boolean value indicating if a column is IN a list of constants.
DecimalToStringUnaryUDF This is a superclass for unary decimal functions returning strings that operate directly on the input and set the output.
DecimalUtil Utility functions for vector operations on decimal values.
DoubleColumnInList Output a boolean value indicating if a column is IN a list of constants.
FilterDecimalColumnInList Evaluate IN filter on a batch for a vector of decimals.
FilterDoubleColumnInList Evaluate IN filter on a batch for a vector of doubles.
FilterExprAndExpr This class represents a non leaf binary operator in the expression tree.
FilterExprOrExpr This class represents an Or expression.
FilterLongColumnInList Evaluate IN filter on a batch for a vector of longs.
FilterStringColLikeStringScalar Evaluate LIKE filter on a batch for a vector of strings.
FilterStringColRegExpStringScalar Evaluate REGEXP filter on a batch for a vector of strings.
FilterStringColumnInList Evaluate an IN filter on a batch for a vector of strings.
FuncBin Vectorized implementation of Bin(long) function that returns string.
FuncDecimalToDouble This is a superclass for unary decimal functions and expressions returning doubles that operate directly on the input and set the output.
FuncDecimalToLong This is a superclass for unary decimal functions and expressions returning integers that operate directly on the input and set the output.
FuncDoubleToDecimal This is a superclass for unary double functions and expressions returning decimals that operate directly on the input and set the output.
FuncLongToDecimal This is a superclass for unary long functions and expressions returning decimals that operate directly on the input and set the output.
FuncLongToString Superclass to support vectorized functions that take a long and return a string, optionally with additional configuraiton arguments.
FuncPowerDoubleToDouble Vectorized implementation for Pow(a, power) and Power(a, power)
FuncPowerLongToDouble Vectorized implementation for Pow(a, power) and Power(a, power)
FuncRand Implements vectorized rand(seed) function evaluation.
FuncRandNoSeed Implements vectorized rand() function evaluation.
IdentityExpression An expression representing a column, only children are evaluated.
IfExprStringColumnStringColumn Compute IF(expr1, expr2, expr3) for 3 input column expressions.
IfExprStringColumnStringScalar Compute IF(expr1, expr2, expr3) for 3 input expressions.
IfExprStringScalarStringColumn Compute IF(expr1, expr2, expr3) for 3 input column expressions.
IfExprStringScalarStringScalar Compute IF(expr1, expr2, expr3) for 3 input column expressions.
IsNotNull This expression evaluates to true if the given input columns is not null.
IsNull This expression evaluates to true if the given input columns is null.
LongColDivideLongColumn This operation is handled as a special case because Hive long/long division returns double.
LongColDivideLongScalar This operation is handled as a special case because Hive long/long division returns double.
LongColumnInList Output a boolean value indicating if a column is IN a list of constants.
LongScalarDivideLongColumn This operation is handled as a special case because Hive long/long division returns double.
LongToStringUnaryUDF This is a superclass for unary long functions returning strings that operate directly on the input and set the output.
MathExpr Math expression evaluation helper functions.
MathFuncDoubleToDouble Implement vectorized math function that takes a double (and optionally additional constant argument(s)) and returns long.
MathFuncLongToDouble Implement vectorized math function that takes a double (and optionally additional constant argument(s)) and returns long.
MathFuncLongToLong Implement vectorized math function that takes a long (and optionally additional constant argument(s)) and returns long.
NotCol Evaluates the boolean complement of the input.
NullUtil Utility functions to handle null propagation.
SelectColumnIsFalse This expression selects a row if the given boolean column is false.
SelectColumnIsNotNull This expression selects a row if the given column is null.
SelectColumnIsNull This expression selects a row if the given column is null.
SelectColumnIsTrue This expression selects a row if the given boolean column is true.
StringColumnInList Evaluate an IN boolean expression (not a filter) on a batch for a vector of strings.
StringConcatColCol Vectorized instruction to concatenate two string columns and put the output in a third column.
StringConcatColScalar Vectorized instruction to concatenate a string column to a scalar and put the result in an output column.
StringConcatScalarCol Vectorized instruction to concatenate a scalar to a string column and put the result in an output column.
StringExpr String expression evaluation helper functions.
StringLength Calculate the length of the strings in the input column vector, and store it in the output column vector.
StringLower Expression to convert a string to lower case.
StringSubstrColStart This class provides the implementation of vectorized substring, with a single start index parameter.
StringSubstrColStartLen This class provides the implementation of vectorized substring, with a start index and length parameters.
StringUnaryUDF Expression for vectorized evaluation of unary UDFs on strings.
StringUnaryUDFDirect This is a superclass for unary string functions that operate directly on the input and set the output.
StringUpper Expression to convert a string to lower case.
VectorCoalesce This expression returns the value of the first non-null expression in the given set of inputs expressions.
VectorExpression Base class for expressions.
VectorExpressionWriterFactory VectorExpressionWritableFactory helper class for generating VectorExpressionWritable objects.
VectorUDFDateSubColCol Returns the date that is num_days before start_date.
VectorUDFDateSubColScalar Returns the date that is num_days before start_date.
VectorUDFDayOfMonthLong Expression to get day of month.
VectorUDFDayOfMonthString Expression to get day of month.
VectorUDFHourLong Returns hour of day.
VectorUDFHourString Returns hour of day.
VectorUDFMinuteLong Returns minute value.
VectorUDFMinuteString Returns minute value.
VectorUDFMonthLong Returns month value.
VectorUDFMonthString Returns month value.
VectorUDFSecondLong Expression to get seconds.
VectorUDFSecondString Expression to get seconds.
VectorUDFTimestampFieldLong Abstract class to return various fields from a Timestamp or Date.
VectorUDFTimestampFieldString Abstract class to return various fields from a String.
VectorUDFUnixTimeStampLong Return Unix Timestamp.
VectorUDFUnixTimeStampString Return Unix Timestamp.
VectorUDFWeekOfYearLong Expression to get week of year.
VectorUDFWeekOfYearString Expression to get week of year.
VectorUDFYearLong Expression to get year as a long.
VectorUDFYearString Expression to get year as a long.

Enum Summary

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