Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks

Interface Summary
ExecuteWithHookContext ExecuteWithHookContext is a new interface that the Pre/Post Execute Hook can run with the HookContext.
Hook The new interface for all the pre execute hooks and post execute hooks
PostExecute The post execute hook interface.
PreExecute The pre execute hook interface.

Class Summary
ATSHook ATSHook sends query + plan info to Ambari Timeline Server
EnforceReadOnlyTables Implementation of a pre execute hook that prevents modifications of read-only tables used by the test framework
Entity This class encapsulates an object that is being read or written to by the query.
HookContext Hook Context keeps all the necessary information for all the hooks.
LineageInfo This class contains the lineage information that is passed to the PreExecution hook.
LineageInfo.BaseColumnInfo Base Column information.
LineageInfo.DataContainer Table or Partition data container.
LineageInfo.Dependency This class tracks the dependency information for the base column.
LineageInfo.DependencyKey Class that captures the lookup key for the dependency.
PostExecutePrinter Implementation of a post execute hook that simply prints out its parameters to standard output.
PreExecutePrinter Implementation of a pre execute hook that simply prints out its parameters to standard output.
ReadEntity This class encapsulates the information on the partition and tables that are read by the query.
UpdateInputAccessTimeHook Implementation of a pre execute hook that updates the access times for all the inputs.
WriteEntity This class encapsulates an object that is being written to by the query.

Enum Summary
Entity.Type The type of the entity.
LineageInfo.DependencyType Enum to track dependency.

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