Class RuleExactMatch

  extended by org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.RuleExactMatch
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RuleExactMatch
extends Object
implements Rule

Implentation of the Rule interface for Nodes Used in Node dispatching to dispatch process/visitor functions for Nodes. The cost method returns 1 if there is an exact match between the expression and the stack, otherwise -1.

Constructor Summary
RuleExactMatch(String ruleName, String pattern)
          The rule specified as operator names separated by % symbols, the left side represents the bottom of the stack.
Method Summary
 int cost(Stack<Node> stack)
          This function returns the cost of the rule for the specified stack.
 String getName()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RuleExactMatch(String ruleName,
                      String pattern)
The rule specified as operator names separated by % symbols, the left side represents the bottom of the stack. E.g. TS%FIL%RS -> means TableScan Node followed by Filter followed by ReduceSink in the tree, or, in terms of the stack, ReduceSink on top followed by Filter followed by TableScan

ruleName - name of the rule
regExp - string specification of the rule
Method Detail


public int cost(Stack<Node> stack)
         throws SemanticException
This function returns the cost of the rule for the specified stack. Returns 1 if there is an exact match with the entire stack, otherwise -1 If any proper substack of the stack matches it will return -1. It only returns 1 if the entire stack matches the rule exactly.

Specified by:
cost in interface Rule
stack - Node stack encountered so far
cost of the function


public String getName()
Specified by:
getName in interface Rule
the name of the Node

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