Uses of Class

Packages that use GenericUDF
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec Hive QL execution tasks, operators, functions and other handlers. 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic Standard toolkit and framework for generic User-defined functions. 

Uses of GenericUDF in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec that return GenericUDF
static GenericUDF FunctionRegistry.cloneGenericUDF(GenericUDF genericUDF)
          Create a copy of an existing GenericUDF.
 GenericUDF FunctionInfo.getGenericUDF()
          Get a new GenericUDF object for the function.
static GenericUDF FunctionRegistry.getGenericUDFForAnd()
          A shortcut to get the "and" GenericUDF.
static GenericUDF FunctionRegistry.getGenericUDFForIndex()
          A shortcut to get the "index" GenericUDF.

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec with parameters of type GenericUDF
static GenericUDF FunctionRegistry.cloneGenericUDF(GenericUDF genericUDF)
          Create a copy of an existing GenericUDF.
static boolean FunctionRegistry.isDeterministic(GenericUDF genericUDF)
          Returns whether a GenericUDF is deterministic or not.
static boolean FunctionRegistry.isStateful(GenericUDF genericUDF)
          Returns whether a GenericUDF is stateful or not.

Method parameters in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec with type arguments of type GenericUDF
static void FunctionRegistry.registerGenericUDF(boolean isNative, String functionName, Class<? extends GenericUDF> genericUDFClass)
static void FunctionRegistry.registerTemporaryGenericUDF(String functionName, Class<? extends GenericUDF> genericUDFClass)

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec with parameters of type GenericUDF
FunctionInfo(boolean isNative, String displayName, GenericUDF genericUDF)

Uses of GenericUDF in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.optiq.translator

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.optiq.translator with parameters of type GenericUDF
static org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator SqlFunctionConverter.getOptiqOperator(GenericUDF hiveUDF)

Uses of GenericUDF in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan that return GenericUDF
 GenericUDF ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.getGenericUDF()

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan with parameters of type GenericUDF
static ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(GenericUDF genericUDF, List<ExprNodeDesc> children)
static ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(GenericUDF genericUDF, String funcText, List<ExprNodeDesc> children)
          Create a ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc based on the genericUDFClass and the children parameters.
 void ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.setGenericUDF(GenericUDF genericUDF)

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan with parameters of type GenericUDF
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc(ObjectInspector oi, GenericUDF genericUDF, List<ExprNodeDesc> children)
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc(ObjectInspector oi, GenericUDF genericUDF, String funcText, List<ExprNodeDesc> children)
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc(TypeInfo typeInfo, GenericUDF genericUDF, List<ExprNodeDesc> children)
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc(TypeInfo typeInfo, GenericUDF genericUDF, String funcText, List<ExprNodeDesc> children)

Uses of GenericUDF in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic

Subclasses of GenericUDF in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic
 class AbstractGenericUDFEWAHBitmapBop
          An abstract class for a UDF that performs a binary operation between two EWAH-compressed bitmaps.
 class AbstractGenericUDFReflect
          common class for reflective UDFs
 class GenericUDFAbs
 class GenericUDFArray
 class GenericUDFArrayContains
 class GenericUDFAssertTrue
 class GenericUDFBaseCompare
          GenericUDF Base Class for operations.
 class GenericUDFBaseNumeric
          GenericUDF Base Class for operations.
 class GenericUDFBasePad
 class GenericUDFBaseTrim
 class GenericUDFBaseUnary
 class GenericUDFBetween
 class GenericUDFBridge
          GenericUDFBridge encapsulates UDF to provide the same interface as GenericUDF.
 class GenericUDFCase
          GenericUDF Class for SQL construct "CASE a WHEN b THEN c [ELSE f] END".
 class GenericUDFCeil
 class GenericUDFCoalesce
          GenericUDF Class for SQL construct "COALESCE(a, b, c)".
 class GenericUDFConcat
 class GenericUDFConcatWS
          Generic UDF for string function CONCAT_WS(sep, [string | array(string)]+).
 class GenericUDFDate
 class GenericUDFDateAdd
 class GenericUDFDateDiff
 class GenericUDFDateSub
 class GenericUDFDecode
 class GenericUDFElt
          Generic UDF for string function ELT(N,str1,str2,str3,...).
 class GenericUDFEncode
 class GenericUDFEWAHBitmapAnd
 class GenericUDFEWAHBitmapEmpty
 class GenericUDFEWAHBitmapOr
 class GenericUDFField
 class GenericUDFFloor
 class GenericUDFFloorCeilBase
 class GenericUDFFormatNumber
          Generic UDF for format_number function FORMAT_NUMBER(X, D).
 class GenericUDFFromUtcTimestamp
 class GenericUDFHash
          GenericUDF Class for computing hash values.
 class GenericUDFIf
If expr1 is TRUE (expr1 <> 0 and expr1 <> NULL) then IF() returns expr2; otherwise it returns expr3.
 class GenericUDFIn
          GenericUDFIn Example usage: SELECT key FROM src WHERE key IN ("238", "1"); From MySQL page on IN(): To comply with the SQL standard, IN returns NULL not only if the expression on the left hand side is NULL, but also if no match is found in the list and one of the expressions in the list is NULL.
 class GenericUDFIndex
 class GenericUDFInFile
          IN_FILE(str, filename) returns true if 'str' appears in the file specified by 'filename'.
 class GenericUDFInstr
          Generic UDF for string function INSTR(str,substr).
 class GenericUDFLag
 class GenericUDFLead
 class GenericUDFLeadLag
 class GenericUDFLocate
          Generic UDF for string function LOCATE(substr, str), LOCATE(substr, str, start).
 class GenericUDFLower
 class GenericUDFLpad
 class GenericUDFLTrim
 class GenericUDFMacro
          GenericUDFMacro wraps a user-defined macro expression into a GenericUDF interface.
 class GenericUDFMap
 class GenericUDFMapKeys
 class GenericUDFMapValues
 class GenericUDFNamedStruct
 class GenericUDFNvl
 class GenericUDFOPAnd
          GenericUDF Class for computing and.
 class GenericUDFOPDivide
          Note that in SQL, the return type of divide is not necessarily the same as the parameters.
 class GenericUDFOPEqual
          GenericUDF Class for operation EQUAL.
 class GenericUDFOPEqualNS
 class GenericUDFOPEqualOrGreaterThan
          GenericUDF Class for operation EqualOrGreaterThan.
 class GenericUDFOPEqualOrLessThan
          GenericUDF Class for operation EqualOrLessThan.
 class GenericUDFOPGreaterThan
          GenericUDF Class for operation GreaterThan.
 class GenericUDFOPLessThan
          GenericUDF Class for operation LessThan.
 class GenericUDFOPMinus
 class GenericUDFOPMod
 class GenericUDFOPMultiply
 class GenericUDFOPNegative
 class GenericUDFOPNot
 class GenericUDFOPNotEqual
          GenericUDF Class for operation Not EQUAL.
 class GenericUDFOPNotNull
 class GenericUDFOPNull
 class GenericUDFOPOr
          GenericUDF Class for computing or.
 class GenericUDFOPPlus
          The reason that we list evaluate methods with all numeric types is for both better performance and type checking (so we know int + int is still an int instead of a double); otherwise a single method that takes (Number a, Number b) and use a.doubleValue() == b.doubleValue() is enough.
 class GenericUDFOPPositive
 class GenericUDFPosMod
          class for computing positive modulo.
 class GenericUDFPower
 class GenericUDFPrintf
          Generic UDF for printf function printf(String format, Obj...
 class GenericUDFReflect
          A simple generic udf to call java static functions via reflection.
 class GenericUDFReflect2
          A simple generic udf to call java functions via reflection.
 class GenericUDFRound
          Note: rounding function permits rounding off integer digits in decimal numbers, which essentially downgrades the scale to negative territory.
 class GenericUDFRpad
 class GenericUDFRTrim
 class GenericUDFSentences
          GenericUDFSentences: splits a natural language chunk of text into sentences and words.
 class GenericUDFSize
 class GenericUDFSortArray
          Generic UDF for array sort SORT_ARRAY(array(obj1, obj2, obj3...)).
 class GenericUDFSplit
 class GenericUDFStringToMap
 class GenericUDFStruct
 class GenericUDFTimestamp
          GenericUDFTimestamp Example usage: ...
 class GenericUDFToBinary
 class GenericUDFToChar
 class GenericUDFToDate
 class GenericUDFToDecimal
 class GenericUDFToUnixTimeStamp
          deterministic version of UDFUnixTimeStamp.
 class GenericUDFToUtcTimestamp
 class GenericUDFToVarchar
 class GenericUDFTranslate
          TRANSLATE(string input, string from, string to) is an equivalent function to translate in PostGresSQL.
 class GenericUDFTrim
 class GenericUDFUnion
 class GenericUDFUnixTimeStamp
 class GenericUDFUpper
 class GenericUDFWhen
          GenericUDF Class for SQL construct "CASE WHEN a THEN b WHEN c THEN d [ELSE f] END".
 class UDFCurrentDB

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic that return GenericUDF
 GenericUDF GenericUDF.flip()
          Some functions are affected by appearing order of arguments (comparisons, for example)
 GenericUDF GenericUDFOPEqualOrGreaterThan.flip()
 GenericUDF GenericUDFOPEqualOrLessThan.flip()
 GenericUDF GenericUDFOPGreaterThan.flip()
 GenericUDF GenericUDFOPLessThan.flip()

Uses of GenericUDF in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.xml

Subclasses of GenericUDF in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.xml
 class GenericUDFXPath

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