6. Detailed Instructions for Creating Mirrors and Proxies

The following subsections describe how to set up a mirror server if the server has no access to the Internet, or if the server has temporary or continuous access to the Internet.


Select a mirror server host with the following characteristics:

  • The server runs on RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 5.x or 6.x, SLES 11, or Ubuntu 12.

  • The server has several GB of storage available.

  • The server and the cluster nodes are all running the same OS.


    Support for repository mirroring for heterogeneous clusters requires a more complex procedure than the one documented here.

  • The firewall lets all cluster nodes (the servers on which you want to install HDP) access this server.

Additionally, for mirror servers with either temporary or continuous access to the Internet, make sure that your server meets the following prerequisites:

  • If you are not running CentOS or RHEL, the mirror server must not be a member of the Hadoop cluster.

  • Ensure that the mirror server has yum installed.

  • Add the yum-utils and createrepo packages on the mirror server:

    yum install yum-utils createrepo