6. Detailed Instructions for Creating Mirrors and Proxies
Hortonworks Data Platform
6. Detailed Instructions for Creating Mirrors and Proxies
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1. Hadoop Service Accounts
1. Supported Database Matrix for the Hortonworks Data Platform
2. Configuring Ports
1. Accumulo Service Ports
2. Flume Service Ports
3. HBase Service Ports
4. HDFS Service Ports
5. Hive Service Ports
6. Kafka Service Ports
7. Kerberos Service Ports
8. MapReduce Service Ports
9. MySQL Service Ports
10. Oozie Service Ports
11. Sqoop Service Ports
12. Storm Service Ports
13. Tez Ports
14. YARN Service Ports
15. ZooKeeper Service Ports
3. Controlling HDP Services Manually
1. Starting HDP Services
2. Stopping HDP Services
4. Deploying HDP In Production Data Centers With Firewalls
1. Terminology
2. Mirroring or Proxying
3. Considerations for choosing a Mirror or Proxy solution
4. Recommendations for Deploying HDP
5. RPMs in the HDP repository
6. Detailed Instructions for Creating Mirrors and Proxies
6.1. Option I - Mirror server has no access to the Internet
6.2. Option II - Mirror server has temporary or continuous access to the Internet
7. Set up a trusted proxy server
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