The following table lists the default ports used by the various Accumulo services. (Note: Neither of these services are used in a standard HDP installation.)
Service | Servers | Default Ports Used | Protocol | Description | Need End User Access? | Configuration Parameters |
Master | Master nodes (Active master and any standby) | 9999 | The Master thrift server | Yes (client API needs) | master.port.client in accumulo-site.xml |
TabletServer | Slave nodes | 9997 | The TabletServer thrift server | Yes (client API needs) | tserver.port.client in accumulo-site.xml |
Garbage Collector | GC nodes (Active GC and any standby) | 50091 | The GarbageCollector thrift server | No | gc.port.client in accumulo-site.xml |
Monitor | Monitor nodes (Active Monitor and any standby) | 50095 | HTTP(S) | Metrics/Monitoring of an Accumulo instance | Yes | monitor.port.client in accumulo-site.xml |
Monitor log aggregation | Monitor nodes (Active Monitor and any standby) | 4560 | Log4j socket which accepts logs forwarded from other Accumulo services | No | monitor.port.log4j in accumulo-site.xml |
Tracer | Tracer nodes | 12234 | The Tracer thrift server | Yes (if enabled) | trace.port.client in accumulo-site.xml |
Thrift Proxy (optional) | Proxy nodes | 42424 | The Thrift Proxy server | Yes (if enabled) | port in |
TabletServer Replication Service | Slave nodes | 10002 | TabletServer Thrift service supporting multi-instance Accumulo replication | No | replication.receipt.service.port in accumulo-site.xml |
Master Replication Service | Master nodes (Active master and any standby) | 10001 | Master Thrift service supporting multi-instance Accumulo replication | No | master.replication.coordinator.port in accumulo-site.xml |