9. Known Issues for HDP 2.2.8

Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-28507 RangerAdd timeout for connection settings
BUG-33182HIVE-11123 HIVE-11628HiveOracle 12:direct sql is failing while running test_HIVE_8295
BUG-33843 TezLog warnings or fail early if there are too many tasks for a job
BUG-33845 TezBackport TEZ-1796 to Baikal, Champlain
BUG-36322 TezSometimes Tez Client keeps on showing old status even if application is finished
BUG-36587HBASE-12366HBaseInclusion of HBASE-12366 in HDP 2.2-Next
BUG-36601 HBaseBackport scanner keyvalue size / partial results related fixes to 2.2
BUG-36823 HBase[2.2] Backports of fixes to region replicas for bloomberg
BUG-38391 RangerRanger setup in Ambari does not respect custom service users
BUG-39321 Falconfalcon regression test for tuture tests .ELExp_FutureAndLatestTest, lastestTest keeps on failing on both 2.1 and 2.2-maint lines saying endtime of feed before startime of feed
BUG-40259 Ranger

Issue: Upgrade to HDP 2.2.6 breaks usersync.

Details: Ranger in HDP 2.2.6 introduced authentication between usersync and the admin REST API. If you upgrade to HDP 2.2.6, there will be a previous version of /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/unixauthservice.properties and {{ /etc/ranger/admin/conf/security-applicationContext.xml}} in place. Because setup.sh treats these files as templates, it expects certain base content to be there in order to generate correct configurations. It looks like there is new configuration in the default templates (the ones in /usr/hdp/ that will not get pulled into the live configs. This results in usersync pulling 401 errors every time it tries to add/modify a user.


  1. Apply to the copy files:

    /usr/hdp/ -> /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/unixauthservice.properties
    /usr/hdp/ -> /etc/ranger/admin/conf/security-applicationContext.xml
  2. Rerun setup.sh.

  3. Restart admin.

  4. Restart usersync.

BUG-41828 HiveHiveserver2 failing with OOM PermGen when using temporary functions due to Hadoop reflections utils caching classloaders
BUG-42084 HivePrevent misconfiguration when StorageBasedAuthorization is set on hive.security.authorization.manager
BUG-42151 HiveHS2 JVM settings
BUG-42203 HiveHiveserver2 failing with OOM PermGen when using temporary functions due to DataNucleus caching classloaders
BUG-42263 HDFSAllow reconfiguration without restart for parameters where applicable.
BUG-42275 HDFSA new healthcheck and heartbeat port
BUG-42498 HDFSBlock received messages put heavy load on namenode
BUG-42674 HiveHS2 concurr tests intermittently fail via http mode throwing org.apache.hive.service.auth.HttpAuthenticationException: Kerberos authentication failed
BUG-42698HADOOP-12318Hadoop CommonBUG-42808 [2.2] Expose underlying LDAP exceptions in SaslPlainServer (HADOOP-12318)
BUG-42699HADOOP-12324Hadoop CommonBUG-42808 [2.2] Better exception reporting in SaslPlainServer (HADOOP-12324)
BUG-42709HDFS-7278HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Add a command that allows sysadmins to manually trigger full block reports from a DN (HDFS-7278)
BUG-42710HDFS-7433HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Optimize performance of DatanodeManager's node map (HDFS-7433)
BUG-42713 YARNTimeline server OOM
BUG-42721HIVE-11407HiveJDBC DatabaseMetaData.getTables with large no of tables call leads to HS2 OOM
BUG-42725HIVE-10925HiveHIVE-10925: Non-static threadlocals in metastore code can potentially cause memory leak
BUG-42790 HiveBUG-42658 Gen Plan Changes to support multi col in clause
BUG-42802HDFS-7923 HDFS-8930HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] HDFS-7923: The DataNodes should rate-limit their full block reports by asking the NN on heartbeat messages
BUG-42808 HDFS[2.2] Backport fixes to HDP 2.2-october-next
BUG-42860 RangerEAR-1858 - Ranger UserSync seems to be limited to pulling a up to 100 users from Active Directory.
BUG-42890 HBaseConfiguration for bulkload needs to be updated
BUG-42916HIVE-11606Hive(2.2) - bucket mapjoin error "capacity must be power of two" when #rows < #buckets
BUG-42937HDFS-8864HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Padding is needed in remaining space check (HDFS-8864)
BUG-42938HDFS-8871HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Decommissioning of a node with a failed volume may not start (HDFS-8871)
BUG-42939HDFS-8870HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Lease is leaked on write failure (HDFS-8870)
BUG-43023HDFS-5215HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] dfs.datanode.du.reserved is not considered while computing available space (HDFS-5215)
BUG-43027 HBaseHave metrics for blockcache take into account replicas
BUG-43029 HiveExplain plan is missing PPD
BUG-43032 Hive(2.2) Backport HIVE-11502 (Map side aggregation is extremely slow)
BUG-43069 HueCLONE - Hue does not respect Support dfs.umaskmode, fs.permissions.umask-mode when creating files or folders
BUG-43070 HueCLONE - Select has a 1024 fd limit. If the FD number goes above 1024 for some reason (long running process), then all apps relying on thrift will fail.
BUG-43071HIVE-9223Hive, HueCLONE - HS2/hue/tez: multiple concurrent queries not allowed in single tez session
BUG-43082 YARNBUG-42343 [ATS V1.5] backport YARN-3942: Timeline store to read events from HDFS (ATS V1.5 patch)into 2.2-maint
BUG-43110 HiveNPE explain in vectorization with empty tables
BUG-43163 Hive, Oozie, TezIn Tez, fix the same issue of MR that spawn task doesn't take files in distributed cache into classpath.
BUG-43176 HiveBackport HIVE-5277 (HBase handler skips rows with null valued first cells when only row key is selected)
BUG-43215 TezFix Standalone Tez UI to work with RM HA
BUG-43221 TezClassNotFound in InputInitializer causes AM to crash
BUG-43224HDFS-8155HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Support OAuth2 in WebHDFS (HDFS-8155)
BUG-43226HDFS-8435HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Support CreateFlag in WebHdfs (HDFS-8435)
BUG-43228HDFS-8885HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] ByteRangeInputStream used in webhdfs does not override available() (HDFS-8885)
BUG-43229HADOOP-12358HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] FSShell should prompt before deleting directories bigger than a configured size. (HADOOP-12358)
BUG-43238HIVE-10528Hive(2.2) - Hiveserver2 in HTTP mode is not applying auth_to_local rules
BUG-43246 Ranger(2.2) Ranger admin should redirect back to login page when login cookies are no longer valid
BUG-43266 TezCLONE[2.2] - When you kill a job in the middle of running it, it Diagnostics shows 'killed/failed due to:null".
BUG-43273 HDFSHDFS limits: Namenode goes down due to one bad app doing lots of calls
BUG-43278 HivePassword information shows up as clear text when pulling Tez configs
BUG-43281 HDFSNN web UI should display storage used for rollback during upgrade
BUG-43297 YARNJobclient prints End of File Exception if RM failover when application is running
BUG-43305HDFS-8809HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] HDFS fsck reports under construction blocks as "CORRUPT" (HDFS-8809)
BUG-43307 Hiveselect query on json formatted table with map type column fails
BUG-43330 Tez, YARNFunctional standalone UI ( hosted in ATS ) for Tez
BUG-43331 YARNBUG-43330 [YARN-4009] CORS support for RM webservices
BUG-43335 RangerProcessing done by Audit Shutdown hooks can confuse someone looking at logs to think that shutdown of a service is held up due to Ranger plugin
BUG-43341HDFS-8965HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Harden edit log reading code against out of memory errors (HDFS-8965)
BUG-43350 RangerRanger install fails as - ojdbc.jar missing in classpath in ambari2.1.0
BUG-43403HIVE-11581Hive(2.2) - HS2 url parameters should be stored in zookeeper
BUG-43411 HDP / StackNeed a central doc for calling out all the steps for applying a hot-fix for each and every component
BUG-43416YARN-4107YARN[YARN-4107]Both RM becomes Active if all zookeepers can not connect to active RM
BUG-43433RANGER-629Hive[Ranger][hive] security issue with hive & ranger for import table command
BUG-43465 Hive(2.2) - Hive "SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings." error
BUG-43466 HBase(2.2) - Cherry-pick HBASE-14302 TableSnapshotInputFormat should not create back references when restoring snapshot
BUG-43468 HBase(2.2) - Integrate 'HBASE-14313 After a Connection sees ConnectionClosingException it never recovers'
BUG-43470 HDFSCLONE(2.2) - HDFS: Track DFSClient name in hdfs-audit.log
BUG-43493 YARNActive RM can not be started if 2/3 ZKs are killed
BUG-43520 Tez, YARN[ATS v1.5] Events for APP attemtps published to ATS 1.5 and ATS 1.0 differs for TEZ
BUG-43543 HBaseIntegrate HBASE-14309 'Allow load balancer to operate when there is region in transition by adding force flag'
BUG-43583SLIDER-931HBase, Slidertest_runintegrationtestzkandfspermissions failed on HBase-Slider
BUG-43588 TezAuto clean tez history log when meeting hdfs limit of 1048576 (can't start hive cli, etc)
BUG-43591TEZ-2781TezUnhelpful error message on Hive console from a failing Hive on Tez query
BUG-43592 Hive, TezTez queries stopped running - ApplicationNotFoundException
BUG-43596 Tez[TEZ-2064] ApplicationNotFound exception should be translated to SessionNotRunning
BUG-43598 HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] computeReplicationWork does not record all failure paths
BUG-43603 Hivehive does not translate ${system:java.io.tmpdir}/${system:user.name}/operation_logs properly
BUG-43604 HiveException in FileSink when num_bucket > num_reducer
BUG-43609 HiveAdjust compression buffer size to avoid creation of too many small stripes
BUG-43625RANGER-631Rangeraudit log is not present for deleting user
BUG-43658HDFS-8995HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Flaw in registration bookeeping can make DN die on reconnect (HDFS-8995)
BUG-43660 Hive, Hive View, Tez, YARN[Umbrella] ATS v 1.5
BUG-43681RANGER-635Rangerdelete an user and then add a new user with same id but with diffenent role creates user with old role
BUG-43698 Hive

There are some issues that can arise while upgrading older Hive Metastore versions, in the case that the Metastore tables have been created using datanucleus.autoCreateSchema rather than using the Hive Metastore creation scipts. Make a backup of your Metastore database before attempting any changes

It can be the case that autoCreateSchema may not have created all of the Metastore tables. If there are some expected Metastore tables missing, the Metastore upgrade scripts will fail. Workaround: One way to fix this is to look at the Metastore creation script to the current version of your Hive Metastore, and determine which tables are missing in your Metastore compared to the tables that are being created in the Metastore creation script. Then create a new script containing the commands in the creation script relevant to the Metastore tables that are missing in your Hive Metastore, and run this script to ensure that your Metastore has all of the necessary tables.

Some auto-created columns may have a different name - for example the COMMENT column in COLUMNS_V2 might instead have the name FCOMMENT. The upgrade scripts will also fail in this case as it was expecting the column names to match the names from the creation scripts. Workaround: In this case you can try to rename the column name of the Metastore column, to match the column names as they appear in the Metastore creation script.

BUG-43699 HDFS, TezCLONE(2.2) - Log a useful error message when the summary stream cannot be closed when shutting down an AM
BUG-43738 HiveEnsure Hive does not propagate credentials file property to tasks, plugins
BUG-43756 PhoenixData not returned correctly for query on local index columns
BUG-43766HDFS-8180HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] AbstractFileSystem Implementation for WebHdfs (HDFS-8180)
BUG-43773 Spark

Issue: Spark: Fails to find table

Details: Spark + Kerberos + yarn-cluster mode + remote hive meta store for SparkSQL does not work.

Workaround: Try this with Spark + Kerberos + yarn-client mode for SparkSQL.

BUG-43789HDFS-6945HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] BlockManager should remove a block from excessReplicateMap and decrement ExcessBlocks metric when the block is removed (HDFS-6945)
BUG-43799HDFS-8542HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] WebHDFS getHomeDirectory behavior does not match specification (HDFS-8542)
BUG-43801HDFS-8939HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] Test(S)WebHdfsFileContextMainOperations failing on branch-2 (HDFS-8939)
BUG-43895HDFS-8797HDFSBUG-42808 [2.2] WebHdfsFileSystem creates too many connections for pread (HDFS-8797)
BUG-43966YARN-4105YARN(2.2) - [YARN-4105] Capacity Scheduler headroom for DRF is wrong
BUG-43970 Hivesmb join query generates empty result in mr mode
BUG-43973 RangerError in test_security_agent_admin.py: "E AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'endswith'"
BUG-43979 YARNRM UI prints ZK RM connection state="CONNECTED" , if >50% ZKs are disconnected from active RM
BUG-43980 YARN[UI usability] 'ResourceManager HA zookeeper connection state' should be highlighted if connection between ZK-RM is lost
BUG-43986 HBaseIntegrate HBASE-12635 'Delete acl notify znode of table after the table is deleted'
BUG-44026 HDFS[2.2-maint] Backport HDFS-9019 Adding informative message to sticky bit permission denied exception
BUG-44039 Ranger(2.2) Data consistency across API and UI to include PUT
BUG-44055ACCUMULO-3967Accumulo(2.2) Backport "ACCUMULO-3967 bulk import loses records when loading pre-split table"
BUG-44108 FlumeFlume agent fails to start after downgrade.Workaround: Downgrade, in this order: 1) clients 2) core.
BUG-50531 Kafka

Kafka file system support

Issue: Encrypted file systems such as SafenetFS are not supported for Kafka. Index file corruption can occur.

For more information, see: Install Kafka.

RMP-3126 HDFSAccurate metrics and messages from Balancer
RMP-3532HDFS-7858HDFSImprove HA Namenode Failover detection on the client
RMP-3847 HDFSProvide way to observe HDFS LeaseManager state