HDP Reference Guide
Also available as:

Accumulo Service Ports

The following table lists the default ports used by the various Accumulo services. (Note: Neither of these services are used in a standard HDP installation.)

Table 2.1. Accumulo Service Ports
Service Servers Default Ports Used Protocol Description Need End User Access? Configuration Parameters
Master Master nodes (Active master and any standby) 9999 The Master thrift server Yes (client API needs) master.port.client in accumulo-site.xml
TabletServer Slave nodes 9997 The TabletServer thrift server Yes (client API needs) tserver.port.client in accumulo-site.xml
Garbage Collector GC nodes (Active GC and any standby) 50091 The GarbageCollector thrift server No gc.port.client in accumulo-site.xml
Monitor Monitor nodes (Active Monitor and any standby) 50095 HTTP(S) Metrics/Monitoring of an Accumulo instance Yes monitor.port.client in accumulo-site.xml
Monitor log aggregation Monitor nodes (Active Monitor and any standby) 4560 Log4j socket which accepts logs forwarded from other Accumulo services No monitor.port.log4j in accumulo-site.xml
Tracer Tracer nodes 12234 The Tracer thrift server Yes (if enabled) trace.port.client in accumulo-site.xml
Thrift Proxy (optional) Proxy nodes 42424 The Thrift Proxy server Yes (if enabled) port in proxy.properties
TabletServer Replication Service Slave nodes 10002 TabletServer Thrift service supporting multi-instance Accumulo replication No replication.receipt.service.port in accumulo-site.xml
Master Replication Service Master nodes (Active master and any standby) 10001 Master Thrift service supporting multi-instance Accumulo replication No master.replication.coordinator.port in accumulo-site.xml