HDP-2.2.9 Release Notes
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Fixed Issues

Fixed issues represents selected issues that were previously logged via Hortonworks Support, but are now addressed in the current release. These issues may have been reported in previous versions within the Known Issues section; meaning they were reported by customers or identified by Hortonworks Quality Engineering team.

Incorrect Results

Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-41313 HiveHive temporary macro with variable inputs returning incorrect results
BUG-42916HIVE-11606HiveBucket mapjoin error "capacity must be power of two" when #rows < #buckets
BUG-43169 HiveHive + Tez: map side join giving different query results



HBaseExportSnapshot does not honor -chuser, -chgroup, -chmod options
BUG-44924 HiveSMB Join query not returning proper results
BUG-45117HIVE-11132HiveBackPort - wrong results: non-mapjoin with auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask=false and hive.optimize.reducededuplication=true wrong plan for join followed with group by
BUG-45581 HueCluster running Hue 2.6.1 Null values are being returned as 'None' and they are converted to blank value while exporting as CSV file
BUG-45656 HiveCorrectness: Wrong results when using a not exists subquery with CBO off
BUG-45723 Phoenixorg.apache.phoenix.schema.TypeMismatchException Error while querying a table that has an index with a Boolean


Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-43228HDFS-8885HDFSByteRangeInputStream used in webhdfs does not override available()
BUG-44034HDFS-9112HDFSAfter implementing distcp between two HA clusters, the HDFS haadmin commands do not work - Unable to determine the nameservice id.
BUG-44480HDFS-9082HDFSChange the log level in WebHdfsFileSystem.initialize() from INFO to DEBUG
BUG-44523 HueNot displaying tables in alphabetical order


Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-38575 HiveJoin on partition columns plan should know column stats without having to compute them, unreasonable estimate on partition stats may disable dynamic partition pruning
BUG-43027 HBaseHave metrics for blockcache take into account replicas
BUG-43071HIVE-9223Hive, HueHS2/hue/tez: multiple concurrent queries not allowed in single tez session
BUG-43268HIVE-10651HiveOrcProto$StripeStatistics cache grows causing severe GC in Application master
BUG-44683PIG-4679PigDrastic performance degradation due to InputSizeReducerEstimator
BUG-45735 PhoenixIndex HINT not forcing the usage of secondary Index
BUG-46376 HiveVectorization Udf: GenericUDFOPGreaterThan, is not supported



HDFSAllow block reports to be processed during checkpointing on standby name node

Potential Data Loss


Query Failure



Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-28778HIVE-9013HiveBeeline (hiveserver2 client) exposes sensitive metastore DB connection info (connection, password)
BUG-44484 RangerRanger HBASE plugin doesn't audit close_region, split, and compact operations when action is authorized
BUG-36587HBASE-12366HBaseAdd login code to HBase Canary tool
BUG-43072 HueHue web application is vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
BUG-43224HDFS-8155HDFSSupport OAuth2 in WebHDFS
BUG-43238HIVE-10528HiveHiveserver2 in HTTP mode is not applying auth_to_local rules
BUG-44889 RangerImplement X-Frame-Option header
BUG-44891 RangerImplement best practices for authentication cookies
BUG-45430HDFS-9175HDFSChange scope of 'AccessTokenProvider.getAccessToken()' and 'CredentialBasedAccessTokenProvider.getCredential()' abstract methods to public
BUG-46555 RangerRestrict group and role data for only ADMIN users


Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-28507 RangerAdd timeout for connection settings
BUG-31129YARN-3145YARNjava.sql.SQLException: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Hive Internal Error: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
BUG-37456 RangerAmbari's treatment of ranger-admin setup.sh can corrupt security-applicationContext.xml
BUG-40689HIVE-11193HiveQuery plan fails, tez dynamic partition pruning "fail to find child from parent " in this case (left outer join union all with constant on different data types)
BUG-41828HIVE-11408HiveHiveserver2 failing with OOM PermGen when using temporary functions due to Hadoop reflections utils caching classloaders
BUG-42203HIVE-11499HiveHiveserver2 failing with OOM PermGen when using temporary functions due to DataNucleus caching classloaders
BUG-43070 HueSelect has a 1024 fd limit. If the FD number goes above 1024 for some reason (long running process), then all apps relying on thrift will fail
BUG-43221TEZ-2745TezClassNotFound in InputInitializer causes AM to crash
BUG-43226HDFS-8435HDFSSupport CreateFlag in WebHDFS
BUG-43543HBASE-14309HBaseAllow load balancer to operate when there is region in transition by adding force flag
BUG-43604 HiveException in FileSink when num_bucket > num_reducer
BUG-43658HDFS-8995HDFSFlaw in registration bookkeeping can make DN die on reconnect
BUG-43895HDFS-8797HDFSWebHdfsFileSystem creates too many connections for position read
BUG-43986HBASE-12635HBaseDelete ACL notify znode of table after the table is deleted
BUG-44099 HiveHiveserver2 failing with OOM PermGen when use temporary functions due to Hadoop ReflectionUtils caching classloaders
BUG-44102 HueWhen accessing a Table which has more than 4K columns, Beeswax and HCatalog fails to get the content and results in error
BUG-44212HIVE-12084HiveHive queries with ORDER BY & large LIMIT or PTF order by high cardinality fails with OutOfMemoryError Java heap space
BUG-44257YARN-3896YARNNode Manager processes becomes unresponsive after RM restart
BUG-44260HBASE-14412HBaseRemoving HBase cross cluster replication peer id containing hyphen "-" doesn't seem to remove all the related entries from ZooKeeper
BUG-44503KNOX-598KnoxConcurrent JDBC clients via KNOX to Kerberized HiveServer2 - causes HTTP 401 error (due to Kerberos Replay attack error)



StormWorker on one machine crashes due to a failure of another worker on another machine
BUG-44937HBASE-12464HBaseMeta table region assignment stuck in the FAILED_OPEN state due to region server not fully ready to serve
BUG-44943 HiveTez queries stopped running - ApplicationNotFoundException
BUG-45049HIVE-7049HiveError: java.io.IOException: org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException: Found string, expecting union (state=,code=0)
BUG-45083HIVE-10752HCatalog, PigMore than 66 columns breaks MR but not tez (Pig HCat)
BUG-45098HIVE-11960HiveHive query parse issue
BUG-45215HADOOP-12089Hadoop CommonStorageException complaining "no lease ID" when updating FolderLastModifiedTime in WASB
BUG-45216HADOOP-12239Hadoop CommonStorageException complaining " no lease ID" when updating FolderLastModifiedTime in WASB
BUG-45465HIVE-11977HiveHive should handle an external avro table with zero length files present



HBaseCache configuration and RpcController selection for Table in Connection
BUG-46165HBASE-14207HBaseRegion was hijacked and remained in transition when RS failed to open a region and later regionplan changed to new RS on retry
BUG-46166HBASE-14361HBaseReplicationSink should create Connection instances lazily
BUG-46327YARN-2910YARNFSLeafQueue can throw ConcurrentModificationException
BUG-46587 RangerPrevent thread exhaustion in Ranger due to badly configured service connection
BUG-47098HDFS-8626HDFSReserved RBW space is not released if creation of RBW File fails




Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-30784ZOOKEEPER-1952ZooKeeperzookeeper.log.file property is not respected; log output goes only to the zookeeper.out
BUG-40345 HueLog empty for create and insert statements
BUG-43069 HueHue does not respect Support dfs.umaskmode, fs.permissions.umask-mode when creating files or folders
BUG-43350 RangerRanger Installation fails due to missing ojdbc.jar in CLASSPATH for ambari 2.1.0
BUG-43403HIVE-11581HiveHS2 URL parameters should be stored in zookeeper
BUG-43465 HiveHive "SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings." error
BUG-43603HIVE-12262Hivehive does not translate ${system:java.io.tmpdir}/${system:user.name}/operation_logs properly
BUG-43766HDFS-8180HDFSAbstractFileSystem Implementation for WebHDFS
BUG-43799HDFS-8542HDFSWebHDFS getHomeDirectory behavior does not match specification
BUG-44528 HueEnable Parameterization doesn't work
BUG-45263HADOOP-12437HDFSHDFS and YARN configs for Kerberized Dual Homing
BUG-45360HBASE-14594HBaseHBase configs for Kerberized Dual Homing
BUG-45675 RangerAllow special characters in passwords for manual install of Ranger
BUG-45721HADOOP-12350Hadoop CommonWASB Logging: Improve WASB Logging around deletes, reads and writes
RMP-3882RANGER-684RangerMapping of Ranger AD usersync groups to Linux AD groups