Spark QuickStart Guide
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Chapter 7. Troubleshooting Spark

When you run a Spark job, you will see a standard set of console messages. In addition, the following information is available:

  • A list of running applications, where you can retrieve the application ID and check the application log:

    yarn application –list

    yarn logs -applicationId <app_id>

  • Check the Spark environment for a specific job:


Specific Issues

The following paragraphs describe specific issues and possible solutions:

Issue: Job stays in "accepted" state; it doesn't run. This can happen when a job requests more memory or cores than available.

Solution: Assess workload to see if any resources can be released. You might need to stop unresponsive jobs to make room for the job.

Issue: Insufficient HDFS access. This can lead to errors such as the following:

“Loading data to table default.testtable
Failed with exception 
Unable to move sourcehdfs://blue1:8020/tmp/hive-spark/hive_2015-03-04_
12-45-42_404_3643812080461575333-1/-ext-10000/kv1.txt to destination 

Solution: Make sure the user or group running the job has sufficient HDFS privileges to the location.

Issue: Wrong host in Beeline, shows error as invalid URL:

Error: Invalid URL: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10001 (state=08S01,code=0)

Solution: Specify the correct Beeline host assignment.

Issue: Error: closed SQLContext.

Solution: Restart the Thrift server.