Configuring Kafka for Kerberos Over Ambari
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Granting Permissions to a Producer

To grant permissions to a producer:

  • Grant WRITE permissions to the topic that the producer user will write to.

  • Grant DESCRIBE permission on the cluster.

Note: Optionally, if you have set auto.create.topics.enable to true and the topic is not created before starting the producer, you must also grant CREATE permission on the cluster.


The following two commands grant principal ambari-qa access as a producer, to topic test-topic, from host The commands grant WRITE permission to the ambari-qa user on that topic, and DESCRIBE permission on the cluster:

./bin/ --topic test-topic --add --allowhosts --allowprincipals user:ambari-qa --operations WRITE --config /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/config/

./bin/ --cluster --add --allowhosts --allowprincipals user:ambari-qa --config /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/config/ --operations DESCRIBE